Australia adapts to a worldwide collapse of neoliberalism – Weekly Roundup

May 4, 2024
I am woman
Now for behavioural change

Sorry, economists, people like A Future Made in Australia, the long-term story of violence against women, the case for liberal education, why Jack Welch would have been the ideal RBA governor. Read on for the weekly roundup of links to articles, podcasts, reports and other media on current economic and political issues.

Australia’s economic transformation

A future made in Australia resonates well with the public, even if they aren’t sure about how it differs from earlier industry policies. It’s far more than an Australian industrial policy: it’s an adaptation to a worldwide collapse of neoliberalism and the Washington Consensus. Nothing wrong with picking winners, but don’t pick too many losers. Our post-coal electricity modernisation is stalling.

Other economics

We’re paying more tax: that’s good news. The lessons from Boeing’s problems. HECS debt is nasty, but it’s only one manifestation of our outdated way of funding universities. Making banks take responsibility for scams.


Separating the signal from the noise in the rallies for women’s safety. Let’s not forget mental illness. What the political polls tell us.

Public ideas

Is insecurity a deliberate design feature of capitalism? Imagining a world without social media.

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