
Alex Lo
Alex Lo has been a Post columnist since 2012, covering major issues affecting Hong Kong and the rest of China. A journalist for 25 years, he has worked for various publications in Hong Kong and Toronto as a news reporter and editor. He has also lectured in journalism at the University of Hong Kong.
Diplomacy in Beijing, war pact in San Diego – who’s the belligerent?
Under the Aukus military accord, Australia and Britain are committing serious self-harm to defend the American empire in the Indo-Pacific. Continue reading »
Existential threat? It’s China that faces the prospect of annihilation
Members of a key US House committee wanted anti-Beijing antagonism and that was what they got – together with the spectre of armed conflict. Continue reading »
The real news Washington does not want you to know about
Faced with a ‘mini-Chernobyl’ in Ohio and bombing of the Nord Stream pipelines, the Chinese balloon was a distraction White House needed. Continue reading »
China statecraft must avoid war with US and keep Taiwan peace
It would be a grave mistake for Beijing to respond in kind in the face of incessant provocations and escalations by America and its allies. Continue reading »
West just cannot decide whether it actually wants China to fail
With Western ‘unity’ enabled by Iran’s nuclear scheme and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, China must not oblige with ruinous cross-strait war. Continue reading »
The complex and differing images of jailed former tycoon Jimmy Lai
The latest prison term for former media tycoon Jimmy Lai Chee-ying will inevitably be portrayed by the Western media as further communist persecution of the city’s leading pro-democracy fighter. But many local people who lived through more than two decades of Lai’s media dominance will have a very different take. If you want a better Continue reading »
Death of Elizabeth marks return to Little England
The passing of the beloved monarch will herald the inevitable descent of this once-powerful nation from global empire to no more than a fractured island. Continue reading »
The US-A genocidal warmongering nation disguised as a democracy?
From its inception to the present, the US rarely distinguishes between diplomacy and war. Today, it has ambassadors working in one-third of the world’s countries, but has special force operators active in three quarters of them. Continue reading »
Canberra wants a new arms race in Asia
Australia’s new defence minister has warned the region is facing a dangerous military build-up. His solution? Let’s arm to the teeth with America’s help. Continue reading »
US hysterics over a Cambodian naval pier
The Chinese navy will struggle to threaten the region or launch a war from a tiny pier earmarked for upgrade at the Ream Naval Base. Continue reading »
The US is priming Asia-Pacific for war
For Washington, containing China is more important than risking the lives of millions in the region. Such a war will, after all, be fought on the other side of the world, so far as ordinary Americans – already sold on the evil of communist China and the benevolence of their own country – are concerned. Continue reading »
How Russia teaches China by counter example about the weaponisation of the global economy
Moscow may have launched a hot war in Ukraine, but the West has declared total financial warfare on Russia. That is a unique learning experience for Beijing, one it will take full advantage of in the years ahead Continue reading »
The West with its double standards is deluding itself about its moral prestige and geopolitical prowess
News stories from the leaders of Aukus are just too much these days. They would have been amusing if the issues at hand weren’t so serious, even tragic. Continue reading »
How Xi Jinping became the real-life Dr Evil through the mainstream Western media
Endless negative news stories and opinion pieces about how bad China is in almost every way are bound to shape public perception. Continue reading »
US military exonerated over botched, deadly drone strike
The United States should be treated as it treats other countries and be sanctioned for Afghanistan drone strikes. Continue reading »
Amnesty International’s hidden politics, not Hong Kong’s, is the real problem
As a human rights group, Amnesty has nothing to fear in Hong Kong. As a foreign political organisation, it doesn’t have much of a future. Continue reading »
Hong Kong’s success continues despite foreign critics.
China has its own version of good governance and understanding of civil society, law and order and financial system. Dismiss them at your peril. Continue reading »
White Man’s Media: How the Western media hegemony operates
In a formal democracy, particularly one with a global empire to uphold, public opinion is too important to be left to the people to think for themselves. Continue reading »
How Washington co-opts Hollywood and the news media
Latest exposé of Pentagon documents show how Washington manipulates an ostensibly free and independent media industry. Continue reading »
A foreign policy built on shamelessness and hypocrisy
As US lectures other countries on human rights and press freedom, its military has been busy killing foreign civilians and its prosecutors are going after journalists, whistleblowers and ethnic Chinese researchers. Continue reading »
Hong Kong returns to its old self: economically rich but politically neutral
The city is not losing a democracy it never had but simply going back to being an apolitical community focusing on finance and trade, as it had always been, after a brief and anomalous period of intense and often violent politicisation. Continue reading »
Why do so many US intelligence chiefs become media pundits?
Retiring from being in charge of intelligence, counter-intelligence and counterterrorism to working as mainstream news commentators, this has become an established career path in the US; now you can rest assured of the objectivity and independence of the world’s greatest democratic free press…I am sure they provide objective and unbiased analyses, and their paymasters make Continue reading »