
Alison Pennington is Senior Economist with the Centre for Future Work, associated with The Australia Institute. She conducts research on economic issues facing working people including the future of jobs, skills and training, collective bargaining, and the role of government. She considers economics a powerful tool for reinvigorating ideas about how society is organised, and a natural home for building a more democratic and meaningful life for working people. Twitter handle: @ak_pennington
Public Sector Wage Caps Push Wages in Agreements to 30-Year Low
Public sector wage restraint has contributed substantially to the record-low wage growth that was already being experienced throughout Australia, long before coronavirus ever arrived here. Governments at all levels should abandon this misplaced strategy, and allow free collective bargaining once again with public servants – especially after their heroic efforts to help Australians through the Continue reading »
Coalition’s war on casual workers a harbinger for assault on permanent workers
The workplace abuses of the 18th and 19th centuries have returned under the guise of the gig economy. The Morrison government has now proposed sweeping changes to labor laws that will cut wages, entrench precarious work, cripple unions and hand dictatorial power to bosses. But if the IR bill becomes law, permanent workers will also Continue reading »