Bevan Ramsden
Bevan Ramsden is a former telecommunications engineer, TAFE teacher and member of the NSW Teachers Federation. He is a long-time peace activist and advocates for Australia’s independence. He is a former member of the coordinating committee of the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network) IPAN) and current editor of its monthly e-publication, Voice.
Trump’s wake-up call to Australia’s leaders
Trump’s anti-China 60% import tax barrier will weaken China’s economy and is predicted to have flow on effects impacting negatively on Australia’s economy. Will our political leaders now realise that Australia’s involvement in a military war against China for which they are furiously preparing, would have a devastating impact on our economy and Australian life Continue reading »
US makes WA vital for fighting its wars and a target for its enemies
Successive Australian governments have allowed the United States to carry out a program of militarisation in Western Australia which has made it a vital U.S war-fighting base and thus an inevitable target for retaliatory strikes should hostilities commence, for example between the U.S and China. Continue reading »
The dangers of AUKUS, the FPA and nuclear submarines
AUKUS and the FPA will lead us into unnecessary war, compromises our sovereignty and bring with them toxic risks to our health through radiation leaks, accidents associated with the nuclear reactors and the toxic waste from porting US and UK nuclear submarines Continue reading »
Neutrality would keep us out of a U.S. – China war
Neutrality offers Australia a foreign policy alternative which would keep us out of a U.S.-China war. Although this position is favoured by over two thirds of Australians, the presence of U.S. military bases on our soil and the government’s embrace of the AUKUS pact, block its adoption. Continue reading »
Taking a stand for Peace
The Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN) has produced a petition opposing the Force Posture Agreement which is enabling US militarisation of Australia in preparation for the US to support/launch war from the Australian continent against China. The e-petition to parliament is an instrument for peace calling for the termination of the Force Posture Agreement. Continue reading »
The ALP is selling our Sovereignty to the United States: Will ALP delegates resist?
The Government’s abandonment of Australian sovereignty to the US through AUKUS and the Force Posture Agreement (FPA) enmeshes Australia in US war plans and endangers the peace in our region on which our national prosperity relies. It is up to the ALP rank and file members attending the National Conference, 17-19 August, to stand up Continue reading »
The US grip on Australia keeps tightening. Can we break free and avoid war?
AUSMIN 2023 has further surrendered sovereignty and tightened the US military grip on Australia. The integration of the ADF with the US military, insertion of US intelligence staff in our defence intelligence organisation and the increased military presence of the US including command facilities in Australia has locked us into any war plans of the Continue reading »
Government seeks to exempt SSN nuclear power plants from controls and protections
The government has a Bill before parliament which, if passed, would exempt the nuclear power plants on nuclear-propelled submarines from the requirement of two other Acts: the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Act 1998 and the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. Continue reading »
War preparations extend to legislative amendments
War preparations began with the U.S. Force Posture Agreement providing a gateway for U.S. military build-up in the Northern Territory and giving them unimpeded access to our seaports and air bases. War preparations have continued with huge expenditures on military acquisitions topped with $368 billion on nuclear -powered submarines. Now there are legislative amendments on Continue reading »
We’re are on the path to war! How do we stop it?
This is the title of a National Webinar organised by the Australian Anti-AUKUS Coalition in expectation of the release of three reports this month; one on AUKUS and the acquisition of nuclear powered submarines, one on the Inquiry into war powers reform and, although it may now be delayed until April, the Strategic Defence Review. Continue reading »
US-Australia ‘Force Posture Agreement’ undermines sovereignty, must be terminated
The US-Australia Force Posture Agreement has opened the gate for the US to set up Australia as a launching pad for its next war against China. The Albanese government must invoke Article XXI to terminate it and reclaim sovereignty. Continue reading »
Vale: Stephen Darley
Stephen Darley passed away on 15th April, 2022 aged 66. He is of great loss to his family, friends and comrades and the organisations which he served with such commitment. Continue reading »
Australian and international voices call for de-escalation of Ukraine situation
In contrast to the voices and actions of the governments of U.S., U.K. and Australia inflaming the situation in Ukraine, voices from citizens and organisations for de-escalation and peaceful resolution are being raised around the world. Continue reading »
Australia maintains its star-spangled manner in foreign policy
Australia can end its subservience to the US without jeopardising ties – but it needs political courage and better management of the alliance. Continue reading »
Power to the people: peace activists say no to nuclear-powered submarines
The Morrison government’s embrace of nuclear-submarine technology and the AUKUS agreement has been challenged in Australia and overseas. A coalition of people and organisations is being formed to oppose these decisions. Continue reading »
Afghanistan- of course it was about oil.
The Afghanistan war disaster raises questions about the ANZUS treaty and what we were really fighting for. Continue reading »
Australian Government must ensure cases of sexual assault against Australian women by U.S. marines in NT are investigated thoroughly and the perpetrators face Australian courts
SBS News has uncovered three cases of sexual harassment/assault on women in the NT by U.S. marines. The cases have not been thoroughly investigated and there has been no trials in Australian courts. The Australian Government’s SOFA Treaty with the United States Government gives Australian authorities the right and duty to deal with such alleged Continue reading »
Armed Neutrality: an alternative, principled defence policy to safeguard an independent Australia, keep us out of wars and promote peace- Part 2
Armed Neutrality provides an alternative defence policy which would safeguard continental Australia, keep us out of wars and promote peace. It is strategically feasible and cost effective but would require investment in rebuilding our manufacturing base, restructuring the ADF and removing foreign bases from our soil in a series of steps. Continue reading »
Armed Neutrality: an alternative, principled defence policy to safeguard an independent Australia, keep us out of wars and promote peace- Part 1
Australia’s defence policy has for decades been based on dependence on a foreign power with foreign policy subservience to it. This policy has led Australia into disastrous wars and with the establishment of their military bases on our soil, led to loss of our sovereignty. Would an alternative defence policy based on armed neutrality help Continue reading »
The blood-for-oil Iraq war demands a robust public inquiry
20th March 2021 is 18 years since Australia made the decision to join the United States in the disastrous war of aggression against Iraq. No Australian public Inquiry into the reasons and political responsibilities for that decision has been held and one is very much needed as war clouds are developing in South East Asia Continue reading »
Foreign ownership hits hopes of national independence
Foreign ownership and control is continuing to devastate the Australian economy to the detriment of all Australians. It undermines the economic base for national independence. Continue reading »
Most viewed posts 2020: A Bill to enable use of foreign troops or foreign police in Australian “emergencies” (Oct 1, 2020)
A bill is before federal parliament to enable the ADF, Reserves and foreign military forces and police to be used in Australian emergencies. It gives them immunity from civil or criminal prosecution for actions arising from these emergency duties. Continue reading »
Continuing strategic dependence on the US or strategic independence for Australia?
A People’s Inquiry has been opened by IPAN for submissions on the impact of the U.S. -Australia alliance, its costs and consequences and to canvas alternatives. Readers and contributors to Pearls and Irritations are invited to respond and join this urgent national conversation. Continue reading »
A Bill to enable use of foreign troops or foreign police in Australian “emergencies”
A bill is before federal parliament to enable the ADF, Reserves and foreign military forces and police to be used in Australian emergencies. It gives them immunity from civil or criminal prosecution for actions arising from these emergency duties. Continue reading »
Increased military expenditure unjustified; social needs must be paramount.
The government’s $279 billion allocation over 10 years to military spending is not justified by fear-mongering and is at the expense of health and other urgent social needs. Continue reading »