Carol Dance
Carol Dance reviewed hundreds of plays for her local newspaper while working as a book editor at University of NSW Press. She then completed an MBA at the Australian Graduate School of Management at the University of NSW. She is an environmentalist, and ethical capitalist.
NSW election: time for ODMOBS
Congratulations to the new Premier and his team. Top of the agenda is for NSW to secede from the Federation. Let the other States pay a share of the $380 billion for the submarines. Let them risk being part of AUKUS. West Australia is the wealthiest State in the nation. It can certainly carry the Continue reading »
My dinner with Dr. Martin Luther King
It was 1967 in America. I was a student at Drew University and it was my role on the Student Council to invite speakers for the student forums. I wrote to Dr King. Would he come to speak to us? He wrote back to say he would. Continue reading »
In 1966 Holt sent Australia to war in Vietnam. Will we repeat this mistake in 2022?
In 1966, Harold Holt proclaimed that he was “all the way with L.B.J”, leading to Australia going to war with Vietnam. A war we lost. In 2022, do we really want to do this again? Continue reading »
Will Timor Sea oil and gas go begging?
The Attorney-General dropped the case against Bernard Collaery on July 7. Dreyfus’ announcement has greatly improved our relationship with Timor Leste and opened the door for smoother negotiations between Australian oil and gas companies and the Timorese government. That relationship is now oiling the wheels for further explorations in the Timor Sea but the wheels Continue reading »
Bad capitalists: Australia’s corporate welfare betrays the system
There are good capitalists out there — but those in the Australian government propping up failing industries are not among them. Continue reading »