Craig Emerson
Craig Emerson writes on Australian politics and was an economic adviser to Bob Hawke and a minister in the Gillard govenment.
Who killed neoliberalism?
Neoliberalist theory and practice went so horribly wrong because governments that put their faith in markets forgot one word – competition. Continue reading »
It’s folly to resist a Beijing reset
There are some on the right who thrive on the tension. And they blame the breakdown entirely on the other side. China’s statement following the first meeting between foreign ministers Penny Wong and Wang Yi has been denounced as ‘‘China’s four demands’’. One such ‘‘demand’’ is that the two countries seek common ground. Oh, the Continue reading »
How to avoid a September cliff edge (AFR 29.6.20)
Bond sales to the Reserve Bank would allow stimulus to continue without busting the budget or raising taxes. Continue reading »