
Danielle Wood
Danielle is the CEO of the Grattan Institute. She has published extensively on economic reform priorities, budget policy, tax reform, generational inequality and reforming political institutions.
Back in black? A menu of measures to repair the budget
The federal government needs to cut spending and raise taxes to rein in Australia’s structural budget deficit, according to a new Grattan Institute report. Continue reading »
Even in a time of huge budget deficits, government must pursue policy reform
Elections are times for political parties to articulate their policy vision. And for the 2022 federal election, held in the third year of a global pandemic, a program of bold and well-designed policies is more important than ever. Continue reading »
Conflicted cuts at the Audit Office (Inside Story Oct 20, 2020)
The federal agency that revealed the sports rorts scandal has had its funding cut — again. Continue reading »
Lobbyland. Policy in a crisis: who makes the rules?
Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures, right? Australians are certainly living through extraordinary times. The Covid-19 crisis has put lives, jobs and businesses at stake, enormous government spending has been required, and the speed of the response mattered at least as much as the design of the policy. Continue reading »