
Des Griffin
Des Griffin is Gerard Krefft Fellow, and former Director (1976-1998), Australian Museum. He writes on education and other issues.
School education: designed to fail?
Education, more properly learning, has been subject to numerous inquiries and reforms. In Australia and elsewhere the policy debate is framed in the context of school and preparation for employment, a job. Intervention by governments over the last 50 years has been substantial and mostly unproductive. Continue reading »
Investment in early childhood education provides greatest benefit
In Part 1 – Policy and Progress, I pointed out the problem of focusing on schooling and the myths of its contribution to economic growth. In Part 2, I emphasise the importance of teacher-led assessment and the fundamental importance of early childhood. Continue reading »
Education shouldn’t be about contribution to the economy
The Coalition’s education policy deals only with schools, ignores the critical early years of life and the nature of learning and wrongly asserts a link between student education achievement and economic growth. Funding has produced gross inequity and no educational gain. Continue reading »