
Elizabeth Boulton
Elizabeth Boulton is an independent security thinker and writer, her website is www.destinationsafeearth.com. An ex-Australian Army Transport Officer, she also worked with humanitarian NGOs in Africa and the later, the meteorology and sustainability policy sector. Her PhD developed 'PLAN E' - the world's first planetary-centred security strategy, published by the US Marine Corps University Press in 2022.
A Christmas wish: Humanity reclaims its dignity and grandeur
Despite the limitations of the recent COP28 climate meeting in Dubai, there was a positive aspect skipped over too quickly by its critics. At the closing plenary (time stamp 2:24:50), the Zambian representative described his delight at the ‘climate love’ he experienced – the extraordinary goodwill among most participants. Continue reading »
Group think: Paralysis and the missing ONI climate security report
On assuming office, one of Prime Minister Albanese’s first actions was to task the Office of National Intelligence (ONI) to review the security threats posed by climate change. The report was finalised in late 2022 but not made public. Accordingly, a “release the ONI report” campaign has dominated climate-security discourse over much of 2023. Foreign Continue reading »
Redefining violence is key to planetary security
Mothers, grandmothers, aunties, sisters, daughters, and allies, you are out here on a chilly winter’s day because of your love and rightful concern for children and the next generation’s future. I wish to honour your concern by introducing you to a bold approach. In the context of the extreme changes in the climate system we’ve Continue reading »
Climate and ecological security: time for rogue thinking?
Imagine encountering an enemy and, as it starts to reveal its full array of tactics and capabilities, a feeling of ice-cold fear runs through your chest. In an instant, you realise that you are out-matched; you’ve been out-witted, and defeat is a real possibility. As has occurred so often in military history, the threat assessment Continue reading »
We must address the alarming rates of female veteran suicide
This article discusses suicide. It was 10 years ago that then Chief of Army, Lieutenant General Morrison AO gave his famous speech in support of service women, (written mostly by Catherine McGregor AM). Continue reading »
Violet Coco is right: The climate hyperthreat demands emergency action
Australia has achieved international infamy through the decision to jail climate protestor, Violet Coco, for 15 months. Allow me to add evidence to support her stance that emergency action is demanded of us to avert the climate crisis. Continue reading »
What happens if the climate and ecological crisis is framed as a national threat?
For 30 years, the risk of dangerous climate change, which would render the Earth uninhabitable for most species, has been treated as a scientific and economic governance issue. Partly due to historic norms, but also due to legitimate concerns about securitisation, these have been strictly civil matters. Continue reading »