
Evan Jones
Evan Jones, now retired, lectured in political economy at Sydney University for 34 years. His current preoccupations are malpractice in the Australian banking sector, French politics, and mainstream media disinformation.
The Hasbara’s foot soldiers
Supporters of the state of Israel have ready access to the pages of the mainstream media. Strangely their descriptions of the object of their devotion and of its actions bear no resemblance to reality. Continue reading »
The elephant in the Zionist classroom
What is it about the Australian Jewish community, Australian Jewish ‘faith’ schools and Israel? Continue reading »
The AIJAC propaganda machine
The Australia/Israel and Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) is a constant presence in Australia’s mainstream media. Its predominant role is to defend the state of Israel come hell or high water. Continue reading »
Open letter: a supine government in the face of Israeli genocide
Australia’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese leads a government supine in the face of Israeli genocide in Gaza. Continue reading »
Palestinians are the new Jews
The Israeli leadership is currently engaged in an undoubted genocide against the Palestinian population of Gaza. A complementary mopping up operation continues (if in slow motion) in the West Bank. Continue reading »
Zionism and the academy
The University is a place of questioning, investigation, reason and discovery. The University is corruptible and perennially corrupted, yes, but always open to such endeavours. Continue reading »
Loosen lending rules – Oyez!
Treasurer Josh Frydenburg is very foolish. Like Treasurers Joe Hockey and Scott Morrison before him. And dangerous. Not content with the idea to further cut taxes (while worshiping the dual deities of Reagan and Thatcher), Frydenburg fronts a new scheme to loosen bank lending rules to speed up economic recovery. Continue reading »
Unmaking socio-economic cohesion Part 2
The neoliberalist ethos has been a long time in gestation and cultivation. Society, social order and the role of the state in such are alien to it. Economists are a large part of the story – indeed the centrepiece? Continue reading »
Unmaking socio-economic cohesion – part 1
While the Morrison government promulgates the US’ and Australian ‘shared values’, the nightmare that is the American health system looms large. Yet dominant opinion since the 1980s would have Australia mimic the US’ and Thatcherite Britain’s ideological predisposition. Continue reading »
Banking business as usual
If the banks make concessions to borrowers deprived of income due to the pandemic it will be their first socially considerate act since financial deregulation. Continue reading »
EVAN JONES. The state and the economy
Right-wing governments are splashing the cash – what gives? Neoliberalism is temporarily being abandoned, but will it continue after this crisis is over? Continue reading »
EVAN JONES.- Fires. Are they Australia’s Potemkin Moment?
The French economist and social critic Frédéric Lordon recently penned an article on his blog at Le Monde Diplomatique titled “The Potemkin Moment”. Continue reading »
EVAN JONES. Freedom of the press: to what end?
The Australian media have been running a campaign for freedom of the press, under the rubric yourrighttoknow.com.au. The campaign asks: ‘When government keeps the truth from you, what are they covering up?’ A worthy cause. One needs to go further and ask: When the media keep the truth from you, what are they covering up? Continue reading »
EVAN JONES. The gaping hole in the Royal Commission’s final report.
The Banking Royal Commission’s Final Report has generated much froth and bubble in the media. Hayne has chosen to emphasise the sins of the finance sector in the ‘wealth management’ arena (financial advice, insurance, super – the last superficially). Media coverage has implicitly accepted Hayne’s priorities (nowhere defended); indeed, the media has itself set the Continue reading »
Systemically corrupt capitalism
Capitalism has been analysed to death in academia and elsewhere. Thus we know that capitalism is structurally conducive to exploitation, to the production and reproduction of class-based inequality, to the degradation of nature, and so on. Such analysis is of capitalism at its purist. Marginalised is the plunder. Widely acknowledged is the historical plunder that generated Continue reading »