
Frank Stilwell
Frank Stilwell is Professor Emeritus in Political Economy in the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Sydney, where he began teaching in 1970. He is a well-known critic of conventional economics, and an advocate of alternative economic strategies for social justice and ecological sustainability. He has written a dozen books on political economic issues and co-edited half a dozen others. His latest book is The Political Economy of Inequality (Polity Press, 2019). He is also the coordinating editor of the Journal of Australian Political Economy, Vice President of the Evatt Foundation, an executive member of the Council for Peace with Justice and a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia.
USYD’s war on peace in education
The University of Sydney looks set to close its Department of Peace and Conflict Studies. What is the broader significance of this? Does it matter? Continue reading »
The Federal Budget: Return to Normal or Reform?
The budget delivered this week by the Federal government aims to get the economy ‘back to normal’. Is this the right goal? What if the old ‘normal’ was deeply flawed, as its political economic critics have argued? Continue reading »
Josh Frydenberg is dressing up class politics as responsible economics
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg says the current economic situation requires ‘supply-side’ reforms like those undertaken by the Thatcher and Reagan governments in the 1980s. The relevant lessons from those years are really rather different, as are the current needs of Australian society. Continue reading »
Time for a “Green New Deal” in Australia?
Is the current political economic situation an opportunity for some progressive policies? ‘Never let a good crisis go to waste’ is a theme more familiar on the political right, but a “Green New Deal” could play well for the left – or just for common sense. Continue reading »
FRANK STILWELL.- Beyond the Global Coronavirus Crisis: Austerity of Recovery?
These are hard times. The twin crisis of public health and economic downturn has no simple solution. Continue reading »