
Jafar Ramini
Jafar M Ramini is a Palestinian writer and political analyst. He was born in Jenin in 1943 and was five years old when he and his family had to flee the terror of the Haganah Militia. He lived in London for 53 years before coming to Perth four years ago. Justice for the people of Palestine is a life-long commitment.
Letter to the leaders of the civilised world
“Take wisdom from the mouths of mad men” is an old Arabic proverb. It sprang to mind a couple of days ago, when I heard the narcissist leader of the “civilised” world, President Donald Trump, openly calling for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. Continue reading »
An open season on Palestine
Since the inception of the Zionist movement in the late 19th century, its policy towards Palestine has been, still is and will continue to be about land theft, dispossession and the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. Continue reading »
Between a wall and a hard place
The wall I am talking about here is known as the separation wall, which the Zionist occupiers of our land began building in 2002. Two years later, on 30 July 2004, The International Court of Justice issued a “first advisory opinion”, finding that the construction of a separation wall inside the occupied Palestinian territories had to Continue reading »
In the face of genocide: a document of shame
Today, November 2nd is the 107th anniversary of one of the darkest days in the bloody history of the British Empire. For exactly 107 years ago today the then British Foreign Secretary, Lord Arthur Balfour, a Christian Zionist Lord wrote a personal letter to Lord Walter Rothschild, a Jewish Zionist Lord, in which he gifted Continue reading »
Malicious intent: The war on Palestine, the Palestinians and everything Palestinian has been going on for over a century
It’s often said that faith moves mountains. Continue reading »
Are the people of Israel really the chosen people?
What is the point of the International rule book of law and order? What is the point of UN treaties and conventions if justice is only dealt out to the chosen few? Why are they chosen and who chooses them? Continue reading »
Compounded dishonour
The majority of American politicians, journalists, pundits and most commentators have decided that the war between the Zionist forces and the Palestinian resistance started on October 7th 2023. Not over 76 years ago, or more. Continue reading »
Deny them their daily bread
Last Thursday, February 29th. 2024, the Israeli Occupation Forces showed their true brutal inhumanity when they opened fire on desperate, starving Palestinian civilians, surrounding aid convoys coming into Gaza. The Israeli soldiers deliberately attacked and killed 118 Palestinians and injured over 1000. As per usual, Israeli spokes-persons denied that they opened fire. And when eye-witnesses Continue reading »
The vile game
Israel has played the victim all along with sighs of sympathy and offers of support from Western governments and audiences. They declared themselves ‘the’ victim, not just The victim but the ‘only’ victim. As such, they are entitled to do to us, the Palestinians under their control, whatever they wish with Impunity. Continue reading »
A cry from the heart
Prime Minister Albanese, “don’t wait 200 years to apologise for the brutality of a coloniser, be on the right side of history now, today.” Continue reading »
Kill them all
This is a direct quote from a banner that was paraded in Tel Aviv in 2016 in support of the Israeli soldier, Elor Azaria who shot, at point blank range, a Palestinian teenager, Abdel Fattah al-Sharif two years earlier. No matter how many Palestinians the Israeli Occupation Forces kill, the cry will always be ‘Kill Continue reading »
A rude awakening: Israel’s occupation shaken to the core
In the early hours of that fateful morning, October 7th 2023, the silence was broken by a wake-up call like no other. A group of Palestinian freedom fighters, young men who had never known anything but occupation, siege, and subjugation shook the Israeli Occupation foundations to the core. Like birds of prey, those fighters flew Continue reading »
Silent thunder and the beauty of the Palestinian olive harvest
In Northumbria, a majestic Sycamore Gap Tree has flourished at the site of Hadrian’s Wall for some 300 odd years. Last week it was cut down by some vicious, uncaring vandal. From the moment the trunk of that beautiful old tree hit the ground the thud of destruction turned into a thunder of condemnation across the Continue reading »
Playing a losing hand
This week sees the 30th anniversary of the shameful, ill-advised Oslo Accord between Israel and Palestine. Continue reading »
If not now, when? The ‘fiction’ of the two-state solution
If Palestinian leaders can’t sort out their differences and unite now, when Palestine is at the precipice of disaster, then when? Continue reading »
Palestine lives
We are all one and liberation is our destiny. Continue reading »
The promise
The film had us mesmerised. It felt too close. ‘The Promise’, created and directed by, Terry George, could so easily have been telling the on-going story of Palestinian genocide. There was one moment in the film when a group of orphans and villagers are seen hiding in a cave. That was me, 75 years ago, Continue reading »
The Spark
Maybe it’s a quirk in my character that in times of calamity I always look for the silver lining. It doesn’t often appear, but in this darkest hour of despair, when nothing seemed possible and the collapse of hope was profound, I found it. The spark. Continue reading »
The march of death
Ever since the six-day war of 1967, when Israel occupied the whole of Jerusalem, a triumphant march of conquest, called ‘Jerusalem Day March’ takes over the Holy City. How would you feel if this was your home, your neighbourhood and you and your family were faced with hoards of religious fanatics, waving the Israeli flag, Continue reading »
The ongoing Palestinian Nakba
Today, May 15th, is the 75th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba (Catastrophe). And counting. I say ‘and counting’ because the theft of our land, the occupation, the siege on Gaza, the disposition of our people, the ethnic cleansing of Palestine and replacement of the Palestinian nation, with Jews, often of dual nationality, from around the Continue reading »
In thy God I don’t trust
I don’t indulge in religion, but in this instance and at this particular time of the year, I feel I must. Let us agree from the start that we are all accidents of birth. None of us had a choice as to our parents, in what country we were born or into what religion. This, Continue reading »
For Palestine, “peace processes” have meant expansion of Israeli occupation
Successive Israeli governments have pretended to engage in a ‘peace process’, but in reality they have continued to consolidate and expand the occupation. While our unelected representatives pontificate they, the Israelis consolidate. Continue reading »
An open call for genocide in Palestine
Some might think that state genocide is a new phenomenon in Israeli occupied Palestine. I can assure you that this is the very essence of Zionism. The point was, and still is, to occupy the land, get rid of the people by any and every means, and change the topography and the demography of Palestine Continue reading »
When will it ever end?
Every time we Palestinians, despite all the compromises we offer, try to gain a modicum of justice we find not only is it denied to us, but that we are the ones to blame for this lack of progress for a peaceful co-existence with our occupiers. Continue reading »
Platitudes don’t bring peace to occupied Palestine
The blood bath that was 2022 in occupied Palestine claimed the lives of more than 230 Palestinians. The Israeli Occupation Forces and the heavily armed illegal Jewish settlers in the West Bank have continued their feral killing spree into 2023 unabated. Continue reading »