
Jeff Borland
Jeff Borland is Truby Williams Professor of Economics at the University of Melbourne. His main research interest is analysis of the operation of labour markets in Australia. Jeff is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia. He is currently a member of the Commonwealth government's Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee.
Interest rates, inflation and unemployment: Are there better ways to manage the economy?
As the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) attempts to keep both inflation and unemployment rates low, it faces a tricky challenge. But are there better ways of managing demand in the economy? Continue reading »
Budget 2021: only set a target you can meet
In committing to an unemployment rate below 5 per cent, the government is abiding by the old political axiom: only set targets that you already know you can meet. Because, putting aside another major outbreak of COVID-19, it seems certain that’s where we are heading. Continue reading »
What happens after JobKeeper ends?
While the labour market has almost completely rebounded, the employments prospects for some groups of workers are much bleaker than before the pandemic hit, while several industries are also lagging in regaining the lost jobs. These situations require a specific policy solution, not just on the basis of equity but also efficiency. Continue reading »
We now need a ‘JobCreator’ rather then just ‘JobSaver’
My choice of four spending initiatives for next week’s Budget are: hiring credits; permanently boosting JobSeeker; funding for high quality aged care; and social housing. Continue reading »
How much responsibility do our governments have?
Most recessions in Australia end up in a debate about government. Did the government start the recession or stop it? Was it the villain or saviour? Continue reading »
Low-paid, young women: the grim truth about who this recession is hitting hardest (The Conversation 7.7.20)
When a recession hits, no group of workers is immune. But some are harder hit than others. The latest labour market figures are giving us a good idea of who is being hardest hit this time. Continue reading »
JEFF BORLAND. Australia’s labour market – What is the damage? (Conversation 14.5.20)
After all the forecasts and speculation, now we know the worst. Today’s numbers from the ABS lay out the catastrophic impact of COVID-19 on the Australian labour market. Continue reading »
Why IR reform is not the answer to our problems
Making predictions about the future of the economy has never been more difficult. In the midst of so much uncertainty, however, one development has been absolutely predictable: Calls for major reform to Australia’s industrial relations (IR) system. IR reform is again being proposed as a policy-making priority; as being fundamental to achieving high rates of Continue reading »
JEFF BORLAND.-. COVID -19 and the Australian labour market: The immediate impact
COVID-19 will bring decreases in employment and labour supply in Australia – at a scale and speed which are unprecedented. This article explains why COVID-19 is having these effects and describes who are the workers being most affected. Continue reading »