
Jeffrey D. Sachs
Jeffrey D. Sachs, Professor of Sustainable Development and Professor of Health Policy and Management at Columbia University, is Director of Columbia’s Center for Sustainable Development and the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. He has served as Special Adviser to three UN Secretaries-General. His books include <em>The End of Poverty</em>, <em>Common Wealth</em>, <em>The Age of Sustainable Development</em>, <em>Building the New American Economy</em>, and most recently, A New Foreign Policy: <em>Beyond American Exceptionalism.</em>
Mission Sustainable Development (Project Syndicate Dec 1, 2020)
Nearly 60 years ago, President John F. Kennedy put the United States on a mission to the future by proclaiming that it would land a man on the moon within a decade. Our generation’s moonshot mission is sustainable development on Earth. Continue reading »
America’s Unholy Crusade Against China (Project Syndicate August 5, 2020)
Last month, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivered an anti-China speech that was extremist, simplistic, and dangerous. If biblical literalists like Pompeo remain in power past November, they could well bring the world to the brink of a war that they expect and perhaps even seek. Continue reading »