Jerry Roberts
Jerry Roberts, born and raised in Mid-West USA, trained as a newspaper reporter in Perth and has covered politics, manufacturing, and Aboriginal Affairs. He has spent the second half of his life in outback Australia.
JERRY ROBERTS. The Corruption of Representative Democracy
John Menadue’s lament in his Thursday post for the loss of trust in our public institutions was so comprehensive that it left me feeling devastated. His re- posting was inspired by Senator Jacquie Lambie’s criticism of lobbyists and it is to the Senate that we must look for assistance. Continue reading »
JERRY ROBERTS. Corruption or Ideology?
Just when critics of neoliberalism are finding a seat at the table economists are mounting a counter-attack blaming society’s ills on political corruption. John Menadue summarises their argument under the heading of rent-seekers, regulatory capture and lobbyists. The neoliberal critics, of whom I am one, maintain that ideology is a major factor in the absurd Continue reading »