
John Jiggens
Dr John Jiggens is a citizen journalist. He was the founding editor of The Westender and The Cane Toad Times and currently works in the community newsroom at Bay-FM in Byron Bay. His PhD was Marijuana Australiana: Cannabis use, popular culture and the Americanisation of drug policy in Australia. He has published several books on the history of cannabis prohibition.
Kevin Rudd on The Avoidable War
Kevin Rudd lives in New York these days, but on November 18, he returned to his former hometown of Brisbane to speak about his most recent book, The Avoidable War: the dangers of a catastrophic conflict between the US and Xi Jinping’s China at Brisbane’s City Hall. Continue reading »
Collaery demands Royal Commission on Timor Leste spy scandal
“Just think of it. After years and years of assisting the Timorese resistance … to have Witness K. come to my office and tell me something so marked with treachery, words still fail me. … So immoral. So unethical. … so counter to all of our national interests!” Continue reading »
Mexico honours Julian Assange
Julian Assange’s family, his father John Shipton and his brother Gabriel Shipton, have returned from Mexico where they were invited to attend the celebrations of Mexico’s Independence Day by the Mexican President, Andreas Manuel Lopez Obrador, who is affectionately known as AMLO from his initials. Continue reading »
Dr. Strangelove in the Ukraine – US strategy in the Cold War against Russia
The RAND Corporation is a US think-tank that describes itself as a research organisation ‘that develops solutions to public policy challenges to help make communities throughout the world safer and more secure, healthier and more prosperous.’ Continue reading »
The Trial of Julian Assange: A story of persecution
Nils Melzer was UN Special Rapporteur on Torture between 2016 and 2022. In 2019 he began investigating the case of Julian Assange. The English language edition of his book, The Trial of Julian Assange, is the most well-researched account of the legal ordeals suffered by the WikiLeaks founder. A brave and an important book, it Continue reading »
Vale, Craig McGregor, 1933-2022
My friend and mentor, Australian journalist, writer and cultural critic Craig McGregor, died on January 22, 2022. Continue reading »
Not just the corners: ABC assault on Assange undermines foundations of journalism
Demonised by governments, abandoned by his homeland, Julian Assange ends another year in captivity, a living rebuke to double standards in the media. Continue reading »
Four Corners v Julian Assange: your ABC, their sneers
Who could imagine that a revered current affairs program could stoop to peddling slanderous allegations against an award-winning Australian journalist? Continue reading »