
Mobo Gao
Professor Gao teaches Chinese studies at the Department of Asian Studies of the University of Adelaide. Gao's publications include several books, over a hundred book chapters and articles. Two of his books are case studies of Gao Village where he came from. Other books include the Battle of China's Past: Mao and the Cultural Revolution and Remembering Socialist China 1949 – 1976 which are reassessments of the Mao era and the Cultural Revolution. His latest book Constructing China: Clashing Views of the People’s Republic examines how and why different categories of people have different views of China.
Courage and conscience: It’s time for independence in media reporting on China
For the sake of Australia’s national interest, and for journalistic integrity that will be judged by history, can mainstream media maintain independence from short-term, vulgar political and geopolitical influence and interference, especially with regard to reporting about China? Continue reading »
Stan Grant and China knowledge: how do we measure up?
Stan Grant’s recent article on China demonstrates that our media’s knowledge of China is less than adequate. We do not need to say anything about the other self-described ‘China experts’ in the Australian media who are far less qualified. Continue reading »
What are the recent Chinese policy changes really about?
Something extraordinary seems to be happening in China recently, so extraordinary that many are scratching heads asking what this is all about? Continue reading »
In Hong Kong,China’s United Front includes the billionaire property tycoons.
As the tension between Australia and China is on the rise, there is often a reference to one organisation in China – the United Front (UF). Continue reading »
What Does China Want domestically under the Leadership of President Xi? Part 2 of 2
What President Xi wants domestically is to uphold the leadership of the CCP, upgrade China’s manufacturing capacities to middle and upper end of the production chain so as to make China strong and the people wealthy. Continue reading »
What Does China Want under the Leadership of Xi? -The South China Sea, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Part 1 of 2
China now is no more aggressive than China in the era of Mao or the post-Mao period. But China is now seen to be more assertive because it has grown in economic and military capabilities. In the three US-led Western agenda setting issues of the South China Sea, Hong Kong and Taiwan China wants to Continue reading »