
Paul Gregoire
Paul Gregoire is a Sydney-based journalist and writer. He's the winner of the 2021 NSW Council for Civil Liberties Award for Excellence in Civil Liberties Journalism. He usually writes for the Sydney Criminal Lawyers site, used to write for VICE and was the news editor at Sydney’s City Hub. You can follow Paul on X @PaulrGregoire
Thorpe to take Australia’s genocide regime to the ICC, as Regev case struck down
The private prosecution that Krautungalung elder Uncle Robbie Thorpe launched against Mark Regev, a former senior advisor to Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, that charged the Australian Israeli with advocating genocide was taken over by the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions late on the afternoon of 9 December and the case was then officially dropped in Continue reading »
Thorpe’s genocide case against Netanyahu’s Australian advisor as back in court
Mark Regev is “an Australian citizen and he’s advocating for genocide,” Uncle Robbie Thorpe explained last week. Continue reading »
Uncle Robbie Thorpe progresses Aboriginal genocide case in Victorian Supreme court
Krauatungalung elder Uncle Robbie Thorpe stood at the bar in the Victorian Supreme Court self-represented last Friday to challenge the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria and the state attorney general, regarding the lower court’s registrar having refused to accept a charge sheet he’d tried to submit. Continue reading »
Radioactive waste is curiously missing from debate over Dutton’s going nuclear
The media is abuzz with Dutton’s Nationals-inspired plan to go nuclear in terms of electricity, due to “aging coal plants” shutting down, as Insiders host David Speers put it on Sunday, yet he neglected to note that another reason coal’s no longer viable is its emissions are cooking the planet. Continue reading »
Are Australian government ministers complicit in genocide?
The 26 January findings of the International Court of Justice relating to South Africa’s genocide claim against Israel, do not only have bearing on that state, but they trigger the obligation to prevent genocide required of all 153 state parties to the 1948 Genocide Convention, including Australia. Continue reading »
A warning against another Morrison government: an interview with Bruce Haigh
Protesters gathered at Sydney Town Hall on 16 May to mark 12 years since the Sri Lankan government perpetrated the 2009 Mullivaikkal massacre, which took the lives of an estimated 70,000 unarmed Tamil civilians. Continue reading »