Paul Keating
Paul Keating was the prime minister of Australia from 1991 to 1996.
The Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, the Bourbons of the Pacific
The Japanese are hanging out for some Quad which has us, the Americans and the Indians in it. I mean, this is the kind of hopeless environment we’re in. China is simply too big and too central to be ostracised. Continue reading »
Australia and Asia in 2022: knowing who we are
In the eighties, we took hold of the rudder and set about an essential economic transformation which left us able to hold our own in Asia. The key to our success then rested with ourselves. What was needed was cultural reform, reform of our outlook. Success at home depended on that change. Success in Asia Continue reading »
Best of 2022: 25 Years ago, I warned expanding NATO ranked with the errors that led to WWI and II
Expanding NATO’s military demarcation point to the very borders of the former Soviet Union was an error which may rank with the strategic miscalculations which prevented Germany from taking its full place in the international system at the beginning of this century. Continue reading »
25 Years ago, I warned expanding NATO ranked with the errors that led to WWI and II
Expanding NATO’s military demarcation point to the very borders of the former Soviet Union was an error which may rank with the strategic miscalculations which prevented Germany from taking its full place in the international system at the beginning of this century. Continue reading »
US ring-fencing of Russia weakened those prepared to give liberal democratic principles a go
When the Russians surrendered their empire in 1990, wouldn’t it have been better to have Russia as part of an enlightened framework of intelligent co-existence, to invite their people, battered by the twentieth century, into the comity and wealth of nations? Continue reading »
Taiwan “is not a vital Australian interest — we do not recognise it as a sovereign state”. A repost from November 17, 2021
Peter Hartcher has a lot to answer for, writes Paul Keating in a response to the Nine columnist that did not make it to print. Continue reading »
A reckless and provocative visit by Pelosi to Taiwan
When the United States has a divided foreign policy on an issue of such grave importance, the world begins a slide onto very thin ice. Continue reading »
NATO creeping towards Russia’s borders is dangerous-(I told you so twenty five years ago)
A great security mistake is being made in Europe with the decision to expand NATO.(An extract from a speech in 1997) Continue reading »
Herald indulges UK Foreign Secretary’s demented remarks on China
Australia’s foreign and defence ministers are giving respectability to Britain’s lunge for old-time glory. Continue reading »
Paul Keating responds to Peter Hartcher’s ‘King Canute’ column
Peter Hartcher has a lot to answer for, writes Paul Keating in a response to the Nine columnist that did not make it to print. Continue reading »
Paul Keating: I am not a defeatist who would sell the country out to another power
The Coalition is not only turning over control of our defence forces to the US, but shopping our foreign policy too. Continue reading »
Paul Keating: Morrison is making an enemy of China and Labor is helping him
The Liberals, having no faith in the capacity of Australians and all we have created here, could not resist falling back, yet again, to do the bidding of another great power, the United States of America. Continue reading »
Provoking China to please the US.
The Morrison government is pushing Australia towards a confrontation with Beijing, mainly to be seen as a fawning acolyte in Washington. Continue reading »