Peter Lewis-Hughes
With wide-ranging experience in the health care industry at Australian Government and state levels, Dr Lewis-Hughes is especially interested in contemporary health issues as they relate to strategic and business planning for clinical services across Queensland. In 2009 he received a Queensland Health Australia Day Achievement Award for Clinical and State-wide Services. Later that year Dr Lewis-Hughes left Queensland Health but continues to provide advice on all aspects of health policy, service delivery, review and reform.
Towards an Australian Centre for Disease Control
Three years into the Covid -19 pandemic the many weaknesses and disconnections within the jurisdictional decision-making arrangements are clear. These fault lines significantly impair our national capacity to reliably detect and respond to this ongoing outbreak in a timely, effective and efficient manner. We urgently need to develop integrated national and international responses to disease Continue reading »
Stormy seas for health sector: the Omicron wave is too damaging to ‘let it rip’
The policy retreat from virus suppression to virtually no control has placed the nation’s pathology industry, and health services overall, under crippling pressure. Continue reading »