Hysteria over China
On the 14 February I had an opinion piece published in the, CPC owned Global Times, which looked at the prospect of an improvement in relations between China and Australia. Continue reading »
Biden’s Indo-Pacific strategy and China
After a year in preparation, President Biden has eventually issued his Indo Pacific Strategy (IPS) which seeks to present a comprehensive US approach to the region linked back to his pre-election vision of a foreign policy for “middle America”. Continue reading »
Japan’s Asian future in the 21st century
The case for Japan to move firmly away from being bound to serve the paramount interests of the US in East Asia and beyond – as seen, erratically, from Washington – while emphasizing that Japanese interests are its foremost concern, is now demonstrably clear. Continue reading »
PM’s playing of China card trashes national interest.
Geopolitics Recent rhetorical pyrotechnics reveal the dissolution of any prudent, rational, bipartisan dimension in the Morrison government’s China policy. Continue reading »
It is hard to dismount from a Tiger
The well-known Chinese proverb, “When you’re riding a tiger, it’s hard to get off” is a particularly apt description of Australia’s relations with China in 2022, the Year of the Tiger according to the Chinese calendar. Continue reading »
US Indo-Pacific Strategy is built on false assumptions about ASEAN
The agenda of the new US Indo-Pacific Strategy for Southeast Asia is based on false assumptions and ignores fundamental differences between them and the U.S. Continue reading »
Blinken’s visit to the colony
It must be a sure handicap to be saddled with such a name when piloting a large government department, but US Secretary of State Antony Blinken shows no sign of that bothering him. It has, however, become a hallmark of a policy babble that is markedly devoid of foresight and heavily marked by stammering confusion. Continue reading »
Australian Defence policy is a shambles and an election issue
For nearly a decade Coalition governments have overseen defence policy. Now Defence policy is in need of serious reform. Continue reading »
Are Ukraine and Taiwan mirror images of each other?
These words attributed to King Solomon in the Old Testament: “All things are wearisome, more than one can say. The eyes never have enough of seeing, nor the ear its fill of hearing. What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun” (as Continue reading »
Lost in mistranslation: Australian soft power goes missing in Indonesia
We should spruce up the relationship now rather than wait until it collapses into misunderstandings and ill will. The second of a two-part essay. Continue reading »
AUKUS exposes Australia’s incoherent defence policy
Environmentally, the submarine acquisition could be a disaster. Where in Australia are the submarines to be based? Could their home ports become contaminated? Where do we dispose of their reactors at the end-of-service life? Continue reading »
The drums of war that are heard so loudly in Canberra beat rather more softly in Asia.
As the Winter Olympics started, China and Russia spelled out how close they have come and Australian media slipped into their default attack mode. But not so in Asia, where the media response was more varied and more muted. Continue reading »
Trapped by memes: on China, national strategy, and Ukraine
There is popular concern about climate and the environment. But of comparable danger is the way we have simplified our thinking about the world, seeing threats, losing our capacity for diplomacy and for building and maintaining friendships, wildly overspending on defence force toys. This must change. Continue reading »
Any hope of an Australia-China reset in the new Tiger Year?
A new year, a new Chinese ambassador, half a century since diplomatic relations were established in 1972. Is there any hope of a reset? Continue reading »
Forget warfare obsession, give peace a chance in Ukraine
Australian election candidates should remind themselves that preparations for war contribute nothing to people’s mental or physical health. Continue reading »
Morrison’s ‘Australian Way’ climate plan is criminally irresponsible
The Coalition’s worship of fossil fuels and inept policymaking are leaving Australia defenceless against its greatest threat: climate change. Continue reading »
An unreliable buddy: our US security blanket will fray if Trump returns
The US alliance is defended as maintaining a rules-based international order, to Australia’s benefit. Yet Trump’s return may see a rapid retreat. Continue reading »
Ukraine defeat would smash the West’s global reputation.
Putin won’t go home without concessions from NATO, but that would involve a climbdown by the alliance that would damage the West’s reputation. Continue reading »
Wanted: a role for MPs in waging war and seeking peace
There must be a number of current parliamentarians concerned about the direction of foreign and defence policy, but why are they so silent? Continue reading »
Lies, lies, lies — and the lying liars who tell them
Politicians, predominantly on the right, have repeatedly been caught lying in direct contravention of video evidence. The falsifications aren’t minor. Continue reading »
The US-funded ‘think tank’ pushing Australia towards war
The Australian Strategic Policy Institute is irrationally hostile towards China and has unprecedented influence over Australian defence policy. Continue reading »
Nervous neighbour: Why Canada should be worried about US democracy.But is Australia?
The US is headed down a very dark road, and Canada should prepare to deal with the cracking of the American polity. Continue reading »
Kazakhstan protests earn just a passing glance from the major players
While Russia had a heavy-handed response to recent Kazakhstani protests, China resisted putting boots on the ground. Continue reading »
Uncertainty ahead: Xi Jinping faces a challenging 2022
After an uncertain year in 2021, the only dependable prediction for China in 2022 is that Xi Jinping will return for a third term in power. Continue reading »
China is deftly outmanoeuvring US across the Indo-Pacific region
Beijing understands that economic security created through trade is more enduring than when done through military superiority. Continue reading »
AUKUS an unwelcome guest at the table of nuclear disarmament
Despite many shortcomings, the Non-Proliferation Treaty remains a symbol of an inconsistent effort to ensure a world without threats of nuclear war. Continue reading »
Treadmarks on the taxpayer: Australia’s $3.5 billion tank folly
The last batch were kept in blissful quarantine, untouched by conflict. But better to feed the US military machine than act on global warming. Continue reading »
The China threat: Dutton is dragging Australia into dangerous waters
The Defence Minister is stoking anti-China sentiment in Australia – a foolhardy stance that is damaging our economy and putting us at risk of military conflict. Continue reading »
An uneasy rules-based order: China’s restraint in South China Sea has limits
The implementation of AUKUS and increased US intelligence probes threaten China’s nuclear submarines that are its deterrent against a strike by the US. Continue reading »
A quarter century of failure in foreign policy mars Australian credibility
Antagonistic towards China and Asia-Pacific neighbours and in thrall to America, Australian governments have presided over the demise of Australian diplomacy. It has been sidelined by exaggerated defence and security concerns. Continue reading »