Environment: Can capitalism deliver the future we want?
We need to reduce all greenhouse gas emissions, not just CO2. Solar and wind slowly replacing coal as Australia’s source of electricity. Sydney and Canberra middle of the pack for sustainability. Continue reading »
KEITH MITCHELSON: Media advocacy for tax-avoiding, transnational behemoths – the international fossil-fuel companies
The web of international trade has been lauded for a century as a positive binding force connecting nations, making the world a safer place. Who would think it could also do the opposite. Continue reading »
If only…..Australia
It would be easy to develop a history of recent Australian history around the theme of if only. Continue reading »
Environment: Global climate report and watery things
The global climate in 2021 was not looking good, nor were dams, rivers, the Reef or seagrass. Continue reading »
The Great Barrier Reef: the ultimate test of an ambitious climate policy
France’s Ambassador to Australia Jean-Pierre Thébault has called the Albanese Government’s climate position ambitious. But is it enough for the survival of the Great Barrier Reef? Continue reading »