Made in Australia: will Labor get the job done with free TAFE?
Vocational education needs investment and reforms to ensure Australia’s prosperity: Anthony Albanese has revealed how Labor will meet the challenge. Continue reading »
States can supplant outsource-happy Canberra as ideas engine room
There is a great opportunity for honest discussion of more efficient and effective divisions of power and responsibility, writes Jack Waterhouse. Continue reading »
Bullying the neighbourhood: the show trial of Bernard Collaery and Witness K
There are echoes of the Dreyfus affair in the Australian government’s pursuit of two Australians who blew the whistle on Canberra’s dealings with East Timor. Continue reading »
Perrottet prognosticates: imaginative premiers will revitalise federal system
The NSW premier is a fecund source of ideas about the future of the federation. And he believes the states should be at the forefront of reform. Continue reading »
What lies behind our slogans and lecturing of other countries?
It’s not enough to preach ‘Western values’. Australia should instead try to understand those who don’t agree with us. Continue reading »
It’s time: we need a new social contract, with women at the forefront
The interests of half the population can no longer be ignored in the quest to remake our systems of governance, writes Eva Cox. Continue reading »
What successful capitalism can teach Scott Morrison
Corporate leaders who show empathy and kindness and foster a positive culture are the most successful — the PM should take heed. Continue reading »
Sunday environmental round up
Cooee Australia, stop producing fossil fuels and develop credible climate action plans. All nations must preserve ecosystems with ‘irrecoverable carbon’. Continue reading »
Our shocking Parliament: only one-third of federal MPs deserve any respect
Next year’s election is an opportunity for voters to replace the liars and misfits in Parliament with quality independent candidates. Continue reading »
Why Australia was not better prepared for the Covid pandemic
There was a significant shift in government thinking on border closures and quarantine between earlier outbreaks and the arrival of COVID-19. Continue reading »
Labor and independents can end a political reign of error
Anthony Albanese’s best chance of election victory is to appeal to the better nature of Australians — and to replace his deputy. Continue reading »
Opposing AUKUS is a start. Now it’s time to reject US empire
It’s time for the people to speak up against the US empire as well as the AUKUS alliance and nuclear submarine deal. Continue reading »
More winning suggestions for Labor to take on board
Our recent 10-point plan for an ALP victory at the next election prompted a reaction that shows many voters desperately want Labor to stand for something. Continue reading »
Morrison’s mistakes may be the making of a better system of governance
As the nation contemplates life beyond the Coalition, it becomes possible to imagine a retreat from over-powerful government, writes Jack Waterford. Continue reading »
Dave Sharma, the very model of a Wentworth modern Liberal
Preparing for a tough election battle, federal Liberal MP Dave Sharma massages the truth on the government’s climate action for Wentworth’s voters. Continue reading »
It’s about opportunity: a lesson on capitalism for the party of capitalism
Morrison’s theme that can-do capitalism beats don’t-do government is nonsense. Labor can respond by exalting government’s role, writes Michael Keating. Continue reading »
It’s time for Morrison to consider his legacy as electoral wilderness looms
The prime minister may not be able to save his electoral skin, but he can help the Coalition to become a competent opposition, writes Jack Waterford. Continue reading »
Paying the piper: the lobbyists who need to be rigorously controlled
Australia’s lobbying laws only apply to a small part of the lobbying industry, do not identify who is lobbying who and the sanctions are laughable. Continue reading »
Sunday environmental round up.
Coal region residents want economic transition. Plastic becoming a significant producer of CO2. Illegal logging and fishing in Myanmar and Mexico. Continue reading »
One word can sum up our government today: kakistocracy
Kakistocracy is government by the least competent — its hallmarks are ineptitude and corruption. This will ring true for many Australian voters. Continue reading »
Curing the climate: with ‘can-do’ capitalism, what possibly can go wrong?
Just 100 corporations account for 70 per cent of global carbon emissions. Time their contribution to the climate crisis was given greater prominence. Continue reading »
The contemptible prosecution of Bernard Collaery is an assault on the rule of law
The Coalition’s vindictive legal campaign reveals its contempt for democratic rights and shows how easily prosecution can slide into persecution. Continue reading »
The integrity vacuum in our federal politics — and how to fix it
The rejection of ethical and accountability standards that is undermining our political system has left voters cynical: here’s a package of reforms that will restore trust and protect our democracy. Continue reading »
Our democracy is damaged — only progressive independents can repair it
Voter trust in the major political parties is virtually non-existent — independent candidates can restore the grassroots values that have been abandoned. Continue reading »
Surge in independent candidates illustrates mistrust of the party system
A report into the state of Australian politics should serve as a wake-up call for the major parties — and anyone who cares about the nation’s future. Continue reading »
Tackling Jacindamania: Kiwi opposition looks for a better way to fly
Who can break Ardern’s grip on the New Zealand leadership? The National Party hopes a conservative business heavyweight will break its run of failure. Continue reading »
Our two-party system is corrupt — vote for decency instead
Next year, voters will be able to toss out party politicians and embrace candidates with a record of integrity and commitment to the future. Continue reading »
For the prime minister, self-delusion now an ingrained tic
Scott Morrison isn’t the only chronic liar in politics. He might not even be the worst. But he’s doing further damage by refusing to admit any error. Continue reading »
How Scott Morrison is trashing the Liberal brand
Scott Morrison’s personality and style has infected the whole government — the sclerosis and the lack of flexibility on general positions is now built-in. Continue reading »
The prime minister’s attack on the NSW ICAC is wholly unjustified
The Coalition’s proposal for a national integrity commission shows an arrogant and contemptuous disdain for community demands such a body. Continue reading »