The numbers game: how Morrison is playing journalism off a break (Crikey Oct 5, 2020)
All politicians know that numbers create news. It’s simple maths: the bigger the number, the greater the news. And Scott Morrison knows this better than most. He knows how to use numbers as signs of action for the media — and he knows journalists can’t resist them. Just look back over the past week… Continue reading »
Tamed Estate: Albanese follows Morrison’s lead
This week we see that Albanese is following in Morrison’s footsteps, with Morrison following the same path as usual. Meanwhile, Frydenberg is refining his dark arts, with Thursday night’s drops receiving no critical coverage. We also have a brief look at abortive biased coverage on behalf of the Courier Mail. Continue reading »
Australian media in the Asian Century
The struggles and contradictions in media understanding of China. Continue reading »
Tamed Estate: Low Emissions, Insolvency Reforms, Responsible Lending and NBN Privatisation
Following on from the opener to the Tamed Estate released in both Michael West Media and Pearls and Irritations, we will be conducting a rolling watch for media failures and manipulations. Continue reading »
Assange: Still waiting… for your right to know
We’re all still waiting … for your right to know. The right of the public in our democracies to know what’s really going on is being tested at this very moment at the Old Bailey in Merry England. Continue reading »
Feeding the Chooks: Scott Morrison’s marketing triumph over mainstream media complete
Scott Morrison has perfected the art of media manipulation by briefing a select club of Canberra correspondents together, rather than leaking to individual media outlets. Callum Foote and Michael West report on the marketing genius of the Prime Minister and the increasingly meek mainstream media. Continue reading »
Les Miserables – Killing the ABC in a time of national emergency
Empty chairs at empty tables … where my friends will sing no more. (Les Miserables – the musical). The departure of many of the ABC’s most experienced journalists, producers and presenters has immiserated the public broadcaster. Continue reading »
Local lad’s strife pips looming crisis
It’s one of journalism’s nastier cynicisms: When judging news values 100 distant deaths equals ten closer to home and one in the suburb where the paper circulates. If public contempt for the media is to be cured then The West Australian is in much need of reform. Continue reading »
An apology
My regrets that the Pearls and Irritations site was down for an extended period yesterday. It is now up and running again with all articles available. Regards John Menadue Continue reading »
Australian Media in the Asian Century
Aided by the media frenzy,the Government blitz on China continues and Tony Abbott takes a job serving Boris Johnson. Continue reading »
ABC News should chase ratings – but differently
It is not logical to have high production values and excellent journalism if nobody is watching. ABC News needs to serve a majority Australian audience. Continue reading »
Friendlyjordies’ interview with Michael West
Earlier this month John and Michael sat down with Friendlyjordies for a long-form interview. Please watch Michael and Jordan discuss Australia’s media landscape, lobbying and independent journalism. Continue reading »
Media sensationalism of the virus
The media in Victoria gave widespread coverage to the death from Covid-19 of a man in his twenties – the youngest death from the virus in Australia. But it turns out he didn’t die from the virus! Continue reading »
ABC News Should Fight Back
The ABC News and Current Affairs division is a shadow of its former self, but the public doesn’t know. It’s time to fight back. Continue reading »
A progress report on Pearls and Irritations
Pearls and Irritations has topped 10,000 subscribers. Continue reading »
War and Pandemic Journalism: the Truth Can Disappear Fast (Counter Punch August 7, 2020)
The struggle against Covid-19 has often been compared to fighting a war. Much of this rhetoric is bombast, but the similarities between the struggle against the virus and against human enemies are real enough. Continue reading »
Media in the Asian Century
Our main stream media just does not understand Asia. It’s ignorance and hostility is on display day after day.It relies on news ‘drops’ from our security and defence agencies. Continue reading »
James Murdoch’s resignation is the result of News Corp’s increasing shift to the right – not just on climate (The Conversation August 2 2020)
James Murdoch is not the most obvious candidate for editorial heroism. His route to resigning from the News Corp board because of “disagreements over certain editorial content” has been circuitous and colourful. Continue reading »
Uncle Sam grabs CCP playbook (APAC News, 3 August 2020)
The US State Department is quietly funding a Chinese-language news service in Australia, a move more typically associated with China’s state media propagandists. Continue reading »
Media in the Asian Century
As it turned out, Marise Payne seemed to be using the John Howard playbook of alliance management in the Washington visit. Continue reading »
How 5G is different – explained without jargon
5G has hit the headlines through the banning of Huawei’s 5G network technology in several countries. But what is 5G? And how is it different from what we have already? Continue reading »
Three identical and inaccurate reports on the South China Sea.
Several leading Australian journalists have made identical but inaccurate statements on the recent letter sent by the Australian government to the UN on China’s South China Sea claims. Were they briefed by a political staffer pushing a false interpretation? Continue reading »
Watching Fox News in the US may kill you
Recent US studies demonstrate that watching Murdoch’s US Fox News increases the likelihood of you believing what’s not true about COVID-19 and – if acting on it – possibly dying. Continue reading »
The war against China is largely facilitated by propaganda.
We are indeed now in the thick of a Third World War. It has been started by US and UK, aided by minor Five Eyes allies Canada and Australia. They have chosen their preferred strategic fighting terrain – information warfare Continue reading »
Whether a ratings chase or ideological war, News Corp’s coronavirus coverage is dangerous (The Conversation 22.7.20)
Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation… has become a clear and present danger to the welfare of Australian society. What a contrast between The Daily Telegraph’s coverage of the Ruby Princess debacle (Coalition government in New South Wales) and the Herald Sun’s coverage of the hotel quarantine debacle (Labor government in Victoria). Continue reading »
Sinophobia in Australian media
The sinophobia in Australian media is rife. Publisher and broadcaster love stories about Chinese protesters rallying in Australia, China, Hong Kong, etc. Continue reading »
Domestic violence in the pandemic. Anti terrorism is a tried and successful diversion
The above is the headline in a story in the SMH on 13 July 2020. It illustrates once again how vested interests supported by our media give lip service about the tragedy of domestic violence but quickly forget it.But the anti terrorism scam goes on and on. Continue reading »
Media in the Asian Century
Australian media lead the anti-China campaign. Continue reading »
Guilty until proven innocent? (The China Story 15.7.20)
Media reporting and public commentary on China’s foreign interference efforts in Australia have focused heavily on alleged associations and links between Australian organisations or individuals and the Chinese Communist Party’s United Front system. Continue reading »
The MH17 tragedy continues to unfold where geopolitics outranks truth
“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow lively debate within that spectrum.” Continue reading »