Overreach and technocratic control in Australian University reform
Announced by the incoming Labor government, the University Accord process and review is being touted as a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reimagine the role and funding of Australia’s 40-plus universities. With 1.5 million students enrolled, including 500,000 international students, and generating $35 billion in revenue, universities have been struggling in the wake of COVID-19. Continue reading »
The Australian colony: When will the ALP Government initiate system reform?
The visit of the British royals was for many Australians a non-event, an almost unreal formality that has to be experienced and processed. During the visit, Lydia Thorpe felt compelled to very publicly state: “You committed genocide against our people. Give us our land back. … We want a treaty in this country. This is Continue reading »
More support for the two-party system? High time for major electoral reform
The Government is planning to introduce a package of reforms to make it harder for Independent candidates to attract donations to win seats. This articles argues that it would be much better to concentrate on major electoral system reform: Introduce Proportional Representation – Party List. Continue reading »