The Human Future
Here comes the human tsunami…
This year, more than 400 million people are in search of new homes, of food, water and family security. Continue reading »
Environment: Australia unlikely to play its proper part in keeping warming under 1.5°C
Will Australia’s Paris Agreement emissions reduction target for 2035 be consistent with a 1.5oC-world? The US wants a fossil fuel future; China wants renewables. Whatever … coal consumption is still rising. Continue reading »
The situation – and why we can’t fix it
Many are drawing attention to the alarming state of things. Within Pearls and Irritations, David Spratt and Julian Cribb have recently provided clear and powerful summary statements of the trajectory we’re on, heading towards catastrophic global ecological and social breakdown. But they proceed as if the problems could be solved. They’re wrong about that. Continue reading »
Lies, damned lies and catastrophic risks
For the second year running, lies have emerged as the primary risk facing humanity, in the Global Risks Survey 2024-25 conducted by the World Economic Forum of 900 experts worldwide. Continue reading »
The end of freedom
Freedom, the dream that has inspired countless individuals, cultures, beliefs and civilisations over millennia, will soon be gone. Forever. Continue reading »
2024 – a dire year for Human Survival
In 2024, humanity – as a whole – took a purposeful stride towards engineering the collapse of modern civilisation. Continue reading »
A triumph for greed over commonsense and humanity
For the third year in a row the nations of the world, meeting in solemn climate conclave, have vowed to cook their children and grandchildren alive. Continue reading »
The gods look on aghast, as human calamity unfolds…
From atop Mount Olympus, Zeus peers in perplexity through fumes of fire, dust and vehicle exhaust, toxic chemicals, roiling tempests and raging floods, idly wondering what those darned mortals are up to now… Continue reading »
When the oceans run amok: “We ought not to ignore such clear indicators of an imminent collapse”
By disrupting the Earth’s main heat transport system, humans risk creating a new Ice Age in Europe – while the rest of the planet overheats to intolerable levels. Continue reading »
The deafening silence in the eye of the hurricane
In the eye of the hurricane is a moment of calm and silence, before wild chaos and destruction resume. Symbolically, the world now stands in such a place. Continue reading »
Is Arctic methane stoking the climate crisis?
The vast wildfires now ravaging the world’s northernmost regions herald rising danger for all humanity, no matter where we live. Continue reading »
The Earth is sick – and getting sicker
Planet Earth is sick – and getting sicker, according to a new Planetary Health Check. Continue reading »
Stoking the climate furnace…
Or ‘Honey, I Cooked the Kids.” Continue reading »
How to stop climate change
Bronwyn Kelly interviews prominent science writer and researcher Julian Cribb on key strategies that we will need for dealing with the significant environmental disasters we are facing in the age of climate change. Continue reading »
When convicts rule… civil wars may follow
If convicted felon Donald Trump wins the US presidential election in November 2024 it will probably herald the end of America as the world and as Americans know it. And maybe ignite the Second American Civil War. Continue reading »
Did a US funded biotechnology experiment ignite the worst pandemic of modern times?
In a momentous development, the US Government has suspended funding from the biotech company increasingly linked to the origins of the Covid pandemic that slew seven million people. Continue reading »
Coral catastrophe signals our own undoing
Five times in the history of life on Earth the corals have perished, swept from the board by conditions hostile to nearly all life. Each time, it has taken them millions of years to evolve anew. Each mass death of corals has been accompanied by the mass deaths of most other species, on land and Continue reading »
The next World War has started
World War Three has already begun, though few have noticed. It is being fought out in parliaments and the press, on social media platforms, in pubs and at family dining tables around the globe. It is an almost silent war that will kill millions, potentially billions and wreck the planet for all. Continue reading »
Climate chaos: world overheats while Europe faces a new Ice Age
The hottest January ever recorded in human history has passed, with barely a nod from governments worldwide and international media. For a full year, the Earth has now exceeded the +1.5 degrees danger level set by the Paris Agreement in 2015. And 2024 may be hotter still, US scientists are warning. Continue reading »
We are exhuming the teeming Dead
In one of our most macabre and diabolical acts, humans are unburying and reactivating the Earth’s teeming dead from ages long gone by, in a wild act that is sure to haunt every one of us for the remainder of our days. Continue reading »
Humanity declares war on its children
After WWII, a good many people wondered why nobody had put a stop to either Hitler or Stalin, the two greatest butchers of history prior to the modern era, before they could accomplish their wicked designs. Continue reading »
Hallucinatory world: Governments blind as multiple catastrophes besiege human civilisation
Life on Earth is under siege. A chain of tipping points with catastrophic consequences for everyone are being unleashed. Yet governments worldwide remain indifferent to the danger. Indeed, many continue avidly to stoke the very furnaces that will consume our civilisation. Continue reading »
Why we need an Earth System Treaty
“Humanity created its current dire trajectory. It is now time to change course with a binding global treaty designed to empower individuals, institutions, and policymakers, and through this shared effort, reduce the existential threats to civilisation. The Earth Systems Treaty is potentially a major step forward, a step towards a healthy future for all.”–Paul R. Continue reading »
An Australian Holocaust: greenhouse gas emissions and mass deaths
Australian governments and mining firms are cold-bloodedly contemplating the needless deaths of 5.3 million human beings – many of them our own citizens – from climate causes resulting from new Australian fossil fuels developments. Continue reading »
We need an Earth System Treaty to save civilisation. And we need it now
The world stands in urgent need of a universal accord to ensure it remains a Planet that our children and grandchildren can inhabit and enjoy, far into the future. Continue reading »
Cities in mortal danger foreshadow the human fate
Often seen as marvels of the human ascendancy, the world’s great cities are in mortal danger as the resources that keep them alive stagger, dwindle and give out. Continue reading »
Our planet is imploding: when will we act to save ourselves?
While much of humanity was glued to the unfolding drama over one tiny submarine, the Earth we all inhabit is slowly, steadily and implacably imploding around us. Continue reading »
Look out! Here come The Elders…
There is rising wrath, out there in Elderland. The Elders, it seems, are no longer happy to look on as a bunch of corporates and their political stooges pillage the planet and lay waste their grandchildren’s future. With growing resolve, resources and organisation, older people are fighting back. Continue reading »
The earth has Bipolar Disorder: and so do we
World Environment Day – June 5 – demands some sober reflection about the mess we humans have got ourselves into. And how the hell we get out. Continue reading »
Bruce Haigh: time for some revolutionary Australian art
Don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you got till it’s gone? – Joni Mitchell Continue reading »