Detaching Australia from the death grip of the United States
Our challenge now is to detach Australia from the death grip of the United States and to pursue an independent future, which we are quite capable of doing. To do so we will need not only to remove the old sycophantic parties but also to root out the US ‘security’ zealots from our own secretive Continue reading »
Trump Act II spells the end of the American empire
The re-election of Donald Trump indicates a fundamental change in the United States’ relationship with the world, reflecting a growing lack of confidence in international institutions, and a weariness of global responsibilities, likely leading to significant damage to multilateral organisations. Trump’s characteristically transactional approach and aggressive tariff policies will spell trouble for Asia. The consequences Continue reading »
Foolish anxiety in the global west
Around 18 months ago, The Economist applied uncommon energy to advance the narrative that the US economy was in outstandingly good shape. Very recently, we have been instructed by the same influential British weekly that, “America’s economy is bigger and better than ever” [paywall]: Which makes one wonder, what primary anxieties are prompting these distinctive, Continue reading »
America is a war machine, feeding an Israeli government killing machine
True or False: No one is above the law. Continue reading »
“An integral part of China”: America, Taiwan and Elon Musk
The outcome in the recent US presidential election may yet push Taiwan in directions at variance with those advocated in a new article published in the America journal Foreign Affairs, which argues that: “China’s Gray-Zone Offensive Against Taiwan is Backfiring”. Continue reading »
A five-minute scroll
Blinken says that Israel has met their strategic goals for Gaza, while Bisan Owda captures Israeli attacks on day 404 of the genocide. President Bident meets president-elect Trump at the White House and Andrew Napolitano reveals the new US Ambassador to Israel. Nury Vittachi reveals a a US interference plan for Cambodia while AAP Factcheck Continue reading »
Trump’s America: ecstasy or agony?
Trump’s election victory is not the momentous or unexpected event many have made it out to be. It is, however, a sure sign of a slowly decaying society where frustration, anger and bewilderment are at epidemic proportions. Continue reading »
“Be prepared”: The US of Trump 02 is a foreign country
We must recognise that over 50% of US voters have now elected Trump. The almost cult-like MAGA can no longer be regarded as an aberration. Countries like Australia now have to recognise just how this new US increasingly is becoming a “foreign” country. Continue reading »
Trump: a reality check for Australia
On Tuesday the American people spoke with clarity and determination. They voted for jobs, secure borders and to be able to look to the future in an uncertain world with confidence and optimism. What we know from Trump 1.0 is that he his true to his word. Continue reading »
Pro-Israel Democrats brought down their own party
For many years, American politicians have recited and acted in accordance with the “truism” that “no politician ever lost an election by being too pro-Israel.” Continue reading »
With Trump victory, is it time to shut Pine Gap?
It’s a time of major events: Donald Trump has again been elected President of the USA and its biggest foreign spy base Pine Gap features in the movie Twilight Time to be screened in Alice Springs on Saturday. Continue reading »
The US on the road to fascism: a time to loosen our ties
The fascist trend in America’s politics portends a lasting erosion of the underpinnings of the ties which have bound Australia to its most important ally and provides a powerful reason for us to loosen these ties. Continue reading »
When life gives you oranges…
While the result of the US election is bleak in some ways, it may ultimately lead to a more independent Australian foreign policy—one that centres on regional needs rather than simply following American interests. Continue reading »
If you think the immediate future under Trump is horrific, just imagine the alternative
WTF just happened? is a question being asked around the world after the US Presidential election. Continue reading »
Trump victory makes AUKUS a further danger to Australia
Grassroots anti-AUKUS campaign, Labor Against War, has called on the federal Labor government to withdraw Australia from the AUKUS military pact. Continue reading »
Who should be the next emperor of the violent global imperium?
As US voters go to the polls on November 5th, they need to remind themselves that when the US elects its next domestic president, it is also selecting the emperor of a violent, global imperium. Choices made over sundry domestic issues have far reaching effects, far beyond local pocketbook or civil rights issues. They determine Continue reading »
More than 1-in-10 Americans would “take action” to overturn 2024 election results
Close to half of Republicans (46%) and more than a quarter of Democrats (27%) said they would not consider 2024 election results to be legitimate if the other party’s presidential candidate won, according to polling by the World Justice Project. Some of them would go further: 14% of Republicans and 11% of Democrats surveyed said Continue reading »
Netanyahu has been leading the United States into disaster after disaster after disaster
This is a US operation being carried out by Israel but with complete complicity by the United States and silence by Europe. Continue reading »
Doubt, distrust, fear, and uncertainty surround the U.S. election process
With only days until the US Presidential election on 5 November and with polls calling the race 50:50. Michael Lester in discussion with Amelia Lester, Deputy Editor, Foreign Policy magazine, Washington DC, discuss what the conduct of the campaign tells us about the health of American democracy and the integrity of its electoral processes and Continue reading »
The alpha and omega of tyranny
Voices of dissent or reason are swatted away like annoying flies until the bs that is U.S. and Israeli propaganda dries in the sun and no longer stinks. Continue reading »
What’s this American democracy crap?
For the worst part of 250 years, the United States of America has been a plutocracy. With 800 billionaires in a population of 345 million, the enemy is not ‘the One Percent’ but a 0.01% Continue reading »
Nixon’s “War on Drugs” was a sham
The New York Times recently revealed that while Pres. Richard Nixon publicly referred to marijuana as “public enemy No. 1” he really felt it was “not particularly dangerous.” Continue reading »
Kevin is here to help US–China relations
With the United States and China locked in an ongoing battle and no solution in sight, Kevin Rudd from Queensland is here to help. His new book explains President Xi Jinping’s thinking and suggests a way forward. Are people paying attention? If they are, will they learn anything useful? Continue reading »
Threat of North Korean soldiers is based on U.S. info campaign
Earlier this week I pointed to a Ukrainian (South Korean, U.S.) propaganda campaign which claims that thousands of North Korean soldiers will soon fight with on the Russian side against Ukraine: Continue reading »
20,000 members of the American Nazi Party once rallied in Madison Square Garden. Could it happen again?
On October 10, The Atlantic premiered ‘A Night at the Garden‘, an unsettling seven minutes and five seconds long video made of film footage that American documentary filmmaker Marshall Curry had accidentally found. Continue reading »
Could it happen here?
Inauguration Day for the new President in 2025 will mark the 90th anniversary of the publication of Sinclair Lewis’ It Can’t Happen Here. Continue reading »
US is spending $28 billion on Sinophobic propaganda to colonise your brain
Whoever owns the narrative owns the world – and things just got a lot tougher for those of us opposed to the metastasising brain cancer known as US influence campaigns – or “perception management”. Continue reading »
Powder keg in the Pacific
While the world looks on with trepidation at regional wars in Israel and Ukraine, a far more dangerous global crisis is quietly building at the other end of Eurasia, along an island chain that has served as the front line for America’s national defence for endless decades. Continue reading »
The ghosts of 1982
The ghosts of 1982 are hovering over Beirut. Continue reading »
American censorship of the ‘Pikidon’ and genocidal intent in Gaza
In 2024 the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Nihon Hidankyo, the grassroots collective of Hibakusha and Hibakusha Nisei (first and second generation surviving the atomic bombs). Continue reading »