White Man’s Media
Fearful of our region, Australia has clung to remote imperial powers, first the UK and now the US. Similarly our derivative main stream media clings to the legacy media of the UK and the US.
We have a White Man’s Media in which the hegemony of the UK and particularly the US is entrenched.
This hinders our task of equipping ourselves for our future in Asia.
White Man’s Media: The Washington consensus and legacy media frames and conditions our thinking and actions
In Gaza we have witnessed a litany of lies by Israel and America peddled by our media day after day.The lives of white Jews and Christians are clearly more valuable than the lives of brown Muslims. Continue reading »
Who started the trade war with China?
There is a sharp contradiction at the heart of the Albanese government’s attempt to stabilise trade with China, whilst at the same time preparing for war with China in support of the United States. Continue reading »
White Man’s Media: Anti-China media beat ups continue…
This time over possible Chinese naval bases in the South Pacific. Continue reading »
White Man’s Media: The Washington consensus and legacy media frames and conditions our thinking and actions. An updated repost
Western media including our own act as conveyer belts for Washington propaganda.Think.Gaza Continue reading »
White Man’s Media propaganda multiplier; the three global news agencies
Legacy media in the US, UK and Europe frames and conditions our thinking and actions. They frame and condition the stenographers in the Australian media. Continue reading »
Paul Keating’s speech is a teaching moment in a fraught relationship with China
Former prime minister Paul Keating’s National Press Club address showed just how badly awry Australia’s policies on Asia have gone. Continue reading »
The White Man’s Media must be challenged in the post western world
When a news network based in India or a newspaper based in Nigeria or Hong Kong can be held in the same high regard as The New York Times or the Financial Times, we will know that we have succeeded in eradicating global white privilege in the media. Continue reading »
White Man’s Media-Why cleaning up the government and media is women’s work
We let powerful global institutions control the narrative, and it’s up to women to put a stop to it. Continue reading »
White Man’s Media. A short history
Is White Man’s Media fair? Or is White Man’s Media coloured by its own prejudices? Continue reading »
White Man’s Media: Asia’s a place you fly over
By ignoring Asia, the Australian media is contributing towards the creation of more insular and parochial but less understanding country. Continue reading »
White Man’s Media: How the Western media hegemony operates
In a formal democracy, particularly one with a global empire to uphold, public opinion is too important to be left to the people to think for themselves. Continue reading »
White Man’s Media: it’s the white person’s media
The media thunders forth from its citadel of truth against the infidels. Those chosen to comment on things Chinese are seldom people who have worked in China but hawks who spout the conservative line Continue reading »
White Man’s Media: anxious and aggressive
It is useful to recall how so much Western media coverage, from Hong Kong, of the deeply intimidating, three-month shut-down of arterial roads in 2014 and the unremitting violence of the 2019 multi-month insurrection was, in each case, dominated, first, by a constant retelling of narratives supplied by the activists and secondly, by intense coverage Continue reading »
White Man’s Media: controlled from afar and against the national interest.
The ownership and direction of a majority of the media, in Australia, is based in London and New York. They have no intrinsic interest in Australia and its welfare as a nation but only as a source of revenue and, as a piece of what they see as the western cause. They influence our foreign Continue reading »
White Man’s Media: leaving the colonial mindset behind
For well over 100 years, the British colonial viewpoint was conveyed to and absorbed by Chinese living in Hong Kong. Fundamental to securing this outcome was the centrally dominant role of English in colonial life. The English media that mattered told a particular story of Hong Kong that the British and varied expatriates prioritized. This Continue reading »
White Man’s Media: two places, Western Europe and the US, control the global public mindset
You and I currently live on a glorious planet with almost eight billion people in about 200 countries and an astonishing range of cultures. Yet only one, consisting of 8% of the world’s population, claims precedence. Why? Continue reading »
White Man’s Media or the Western Media Hegemony: a series commencing next week
Fearful of our region, Australia has clung to remote imperial powers, first the UK and now the US. Similarly our derivative main stream media clings to the legacy media of the UK and the US. We have a White Man’s Media in which the hegemony of the UK and particularly the US is entrenched. This Continue reading »