Dear Donald, I know that you are a great deal-maker, but you will be seen as even greater if you do as I suggest. Australia is already providing $4 billion to the United States under the AUKUS deal without any guarantee that Virginia class nuclear submarines will ever be provided to it. I suggest that this amount be doubled or even tripled to even $12 billion.
It might surprise you how easy it would be to achieve this. You should understand that a the most significant Australian characteristic is “cowardness” – and, as an Australian it pains me to say this! Australia is afraid of the world and imagined fears – for example, the fear that after invading Taiwan, China will then invade Australia.
Another characteristic of Australian thinking that there is in a “cognitive dissonance” between these fears and the expenditure of money on “defence”. Some defence policy makers will claim that this means that Australians are not prepared to put up the money to match their fears. These people would readily give you $12 billion.
There is also a dirty secret amongst Australian – and United Kingdom – policy makers that the UK submarine industry is not capable of providing the technical submarine building capacity in Australia that is envisaged under the AUKUS deal. Nevertheless, Australia is also providing billions of dollars to the UK as an advance payment. So, as a point of leverage in your deal-making you should keep in mind that only the US can provide this expertise.
However, there is also another dissonance. The Australian mind is essentially not capable of distinguishing between $4 billion and, say, $12 billion. It is just seen as a number which does not directly affect them. Out of sight, out of mind! So, my advice is you should go for it! Of course with your deal-making skills you might even start with a higher number!
Finally, there are plenty of Australians who would back such a demand if you could find a way to channel some of the money back to them. The conga-line from Australia trying to get your attention will tell you who these people are.
Jeff Schubert
First published at https://www.jeffschubert.com/confidential-letter-to-trump-on-aukus/