Letters to the Editor

  • Albanese government must present climate truth

    David Spratt and Ian Dunlop warn us that the Albanese government is presenting the brighter side of our transition to renewables. They should and must present both the positive aspect plus the worsening deadly reality of climate change.

  • The Greens and the CPRS – still!

    It has become part of Australian political folklore that when the Greens helped defeat the Rudd CPRS legislation in 2009, they “ruined everything”

  • Time to step up, Albo, or step away

    Albanese’s leadership is not simply a weakness of leadership style: it is proving to be a tragedy with real world impacts – first for First Nations peoples; now, with climatic risk, for all.

  • Actions, not words: Unpublished letter to The Age

    The Israeli Defence Force kills innocent Palestinians to promote terror (19/7 Wong deplores Palestinian killings). It should be listed as a terrorist organisation.

  • What are our defence strategies without AKUS?

    "With AUKUS, the pride of politicians has thus become an obstacle to reaching the best solution to the ‘national security’ conundrum."

  • China brokers national unity government

    Excellent comments by these leading Australians. The role envisaged for Bob Carr is a great idea.

  • Ignorance about China

    At last someone has written and article about the real China.

  • Oslo is dead

    The rule of law must now replace the discredited fiction that was Oslo.

  • IT Outages

    Unless the rules are worldwide, there is little to be gained.

  • Evading a US “iron dome”

    Paul Budde’s article reminds us of the fragility of our digital society and economy.

  • What an unshackled Oz could do

    We are allowing ourselves to be taken for a ride by the US and the UK in their blatant self interest of attempting to keep a lid on China.

  • A very informative and timely article

    Thank you.

  • The Summit of the Future offers hope for us all

    Excellent news that UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has called for a Summit of the Future at the UN on Sunday 22 and Monday 23 September 2024.

  • Violence and solving political problems

    I don’t in any way condone the violence against Donald Trump. But it is a bit rich for Joe Biden to then decry violence as a means of solving political problems.

  • Maintain the rage

    Caitlin maintains her rage - and so will I.


    It goes without saying that we must be wary of a Leopard who seeks to change his spots; especially if that Leopard is the Honourable Peter Dutton.

  • We’re almost in a supertropical world now

    Violet Coco pins her hopes on a popular uprising to power the changes we need. She may be right.

  • EV chargers – Australia

    Tariffs by other countries on Chinese EVs will absolutely be good for Australia. I am more than happy for Australia to be a dumping ground for excess Chinese EVs.

  • The Two Envoys – a comment

    People need to stop trying to use Russia as a whipping boy comparison if they want to be taken more seriously on Zionist Israel’s ongoing atrocities in Gaza.

  • Joe Biden is no mere bystander

    If Joe Biden is as compos as he claims he is, then he deserves to stand accused of being fully complicit in the war crimes in Gaza

  • Religion has never had anything to do with it

    Palestinians lost their land without ever having a say. It was always about politics. It was 'never' about religion.

  • Expert advice for a sustainable Australia

    Australians are fortunate in having definite advice on clean energy and sustainability from expert Mark Diesendorf.

  • Is Julian Assange beyond all criticism?

    Mr Barns wrote recently in P&I; "I have spoken with (Peter) Greste and met with him, along with my Australian Campaign colleagues. He is not, these days, fixated on whether Assange is a journalist or publisher and told us as much in an online meeting held on 6 February 2023".

  • Jeffrey D. Sachs and the independent state.

    If Mr Sachs is correct, that Ukraine is not independent, that Ukraine is subject to and must accept in full, the rule by Russia, then no country is independent.

  • Faithlessness-Based Politics

    The PM's "compassion" drives a faithless-based party tractor into the house that should be protecting the polity's social cohesion.

  • Albanese and AUKUS and relations with China

    Albanese is doing much that is right as prime minister.

  • Our Government Making Every Post a Loser

    As if the Senator Payman affair was not bad enough, it seems it could get worse.

  • The public service has no memory

    One of the many problems with the old public service was that it took time to rise through the ranks. While the criticism of the old Public service systems was the slowness of change, one of the advantages was institutional memory.

  • Casting doubt is part of the propaganda

    Sam Varghese, is simply adding to the propaganda wars around Israel's war against Hamas.


    I genuinely encourage you to consider publishing views which are different to the anti-Semitic opinions which I read so frequently in your journal.

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