Letters to the Editor
Stopping the massacre in Gaza
The attack on Gaza could be stopped tomorrow
Ali Kazak has exposed the ugly history of Zionism
Thank you Ali Kazak. At last a glimmer of reason and rationale and a person brave enough to call out Zionist propaganda and intimidation. He has exposed the history of Zionist oppression of the Palestinians and the recent tragic events in their proper context.
Crematorium Threatens Endangered Habitat
InvoCare crematorium complex threatens Callum Brae Nature Reserve (Canberra) that protects one of the largest, best-connected and most diverse areas of critically endangered Yellow Box–Blakely's Red Gum Grassy Woodland remaining in Australia
Call Them By Their Names
No More Statistics
When reporting wars, the mass media cannot help themselves
While overseas correspondents put their lives in danger endeavouring to bring the public some truth out of war zones, the practices of producers and editors at home make their jobs harder. Understanding media messages takes some effort.
The war is just beginning
Despite overwhelming scientific evidence that we are in unchartered climate territory, the indifference of governments worldwide is almost inexplicable. Instead of spending the money needed to achieve net zero by 2050, money is spent making matters worse - on war and on fossil fuels. The question is - can humanity save itself from itself?
A Comment on Tim and Simon’s Twist
Please let me comment briefly on Tim Lindsey and Simon Butt’s “A twist in Indonesia’s presidential election does not bode well for the country’s fragile democracy” published in Pearls and Irritations on Oct 30, 2023.
Two peoples, an equal claim to self determination and sovereignty
I am a believer in the two states solution. I know this is derided by many as not being realistic (to say the least) but in my simple understanding of the Israel / Palestine conflict in which two peoples have an equal and historic claim to self determination and sovereignty in the land, not in all of the land but in a part of the land. That is the basis of my belief and hope for peace.
Finally the uncensored truth. . .
It has always been puzzling to think of the good people of the global and local communities watching the Nazi machine in Germany during the second world war and not protesting the killing of the Jewish people. And now I know how the German nazis 'got away with it' at the time.
The UNSC must act now on Israel’s invasion of Palestine
The UN Security Council must act now to restore international peace and security.
We all need a mirror
Is Ali Kazak in describing the Palestinian plight actually describing our First Nations peoples’ plight? But we are to blind to see both?
The No vote was racist
Australia is selfish and lacks empathy. Ignorant too!
Here's another possible cause of Australia's apparent selfishness and lack of empathy, as Greg Anderson posits in his recent article regarding the referendum result.
Nuclear waste and our oceans
Nuclear waste is not a side issue in the inevitable ‘debate’ promoted by the Coalition and other nuclear enthusiasts.
Smoke and mirrors policies
If we won't support a two-state solution, then will we accept and resettle all Gazans here?
Blaming Judaism is beyond reasonable comment
There are good reasons to criticise Israel over the death and destruction in Gaza. But blaming Judaism for the current violence is beyond reasonable comment.
Biden’s hospital atrocity pretence
US President Biden chooses his words carefully when claiming the Israelis didn't do it.
This article has left me breathless. In the name of humanity, where are we going?
Triggers will slow planet wrecking
Australia has been described as a "planet wrecker" for its "aggressive exporting of CO2 pollution” through fossil fuels. However, if moves by Greens, independents and environmental lawyers to insert water and climate triggers into our revised environmental laws are successful, new fossil fuel projects are less likely to get off the ground.
Australia’s capacity to address global heating
Peter Sainsbury has again collated a useful update on the current climate trajectory.
There are no ‘No’ winners
I stand firmly and proudly for 'Yes'.
The Korean War and Hollywood propaganda
Meg Hart is to be congratulated on her article on the Korean War and the overlooking of a film giving the Chinese perspective. I was alerted to the reality of this war on reading Wilfred Burchett's 'This Monstrous War' which I initially picked up thinking it was about Vietnam. The book highlights the USA's folly in working with the Japanese, the former brutal and hated colonisers of Korea, in opposition to the Korean people who were promised independence after WW2 by the communists (a dirty word now but they had been our allies during the war).
Captured by the fossil fuel industry
The fossil fuel industry's capture of governments worldwide must be broken.
DeGrowth and Steady State – another ideology?
I am in agreement with the fundamental economic problem stated by circular economy and degrowth analysts, and am pleased to have seen the reference to "A Future beyond Growth" with a great number of esteemed scholars. However, as a health scientist (Physiotherapy), and an amatuer ecologists, I find an immediate resistance and some confusion that ecologists and economists would define enterprise in terms such as de-growth and steady state.
Dutton has much to answer for
This weekend's referendum could be our last. "Sneaky, pathetic governance" has given us a sneaky, pathetic slogan encouraging those who are undecided to vote No. Should this occur, the referendum result and referendums per se will be tarnished. Dutton and the No case have given the finger to democracy.
Trump’s supposed misuse of sensitive information
Did Donald Trump share potentially sensitive information about US submarines to be supplied under AUKUS with Australian billionaire Andrew Pratt as the Australian media has claimed? There is reason for skepticism. None of the information about US ballistic missile carrying submarines is classified. If the Virginia attack class subs did in fact carry nuclear weapons, that would certainly be a big story.
Why are we not there? Because Beijing won’t give us visas
Pearls and Irritations' contributors claim Australian media have chosen not to be in China. That’s complete rubbish. We're not there because Beijing won't give us visas.
Thank God For Gideon Levy.
The clear need for truth in political advertising
We need truth in politics to secure our democracy from Trumpian cynicism and disruption.
The echoes of assimilationism taught in our universities still haunt us
Professor Reynolds’ op-ed woke up an old question in my mind.