Letters to the Editor
Unhinged proposals for Gaza
What then will Trump propose for Northeast Palestine?
DeepSeek has the Western world running scared.
How the Chinese system deals with the next phase
For what it’s worth, I think we should be looking at what elements of the Chinese system work for us and adapt and adopt them.
They didn’t come to pillage
They didn't come to pillage, claims the woman who "pillaged" thousands of taxpayers' dollars.
Significant differences between Labor govt and Dutton LNP
Populist anti-political thought fosters political alienation and supports the mainstream and marginal conservative parties.
Is the Old Testament Christianity?
I have been unable to understand the emphasis/equal billing given to the Old Testament teachings at church.
Limitation of ‘physics emulating’ economics
The blog of Real World Economics Review, as well as posting items on current economics matters, also has those that address the weaknesses in mainstream economic mathematical modes.
Exposing the IDF’s AI-enabled barbarity
The Israeli Defence Force used software to selectively murder numerous Palestinians.
The elephant in the nuclear room
Nuclear proponents shouldn't bother writing about using this form of energy until they can decide how to get rid of the waste safely.
Do economists know anything about economics?
I have my doubts if economists know anything about the economy or if any two economists ,politicians agree on anything.
NYT were not the first
The New York Times was not the first publication to report these claims.
What about Robodebt?
Has this writer forgotten Robodebt where the Conservative government itself did the stealing, leading to the suicides of far too many?
The biggest hoax of all is democracy
The King is wearing no clothes and people will only tolerate him as long as he suits their reset agenda.
Our human footprint
Landing on the moon was a huge engineering undertaking, but as Peter Sainsbury points out, nothing like the feat we must pull off to keep Earth habitable.
Are the right questions being asked?
The reaons behind children's crimes need to be studied more.
Labor government achievements
Perhaps one of the Labor government's positive achievements has been to make it easier for criminals to hack into the my.gov.au site and steal the money of pensioners.
Time for compassionate change
For some time that we seem to be approaching an apocalypse such as was seen in the Great Depression.
DeepSeek challenges US capitalism
What terrifies the American elite most is that DeepSeek yet again shows that the Chinese economic model can out-perform the American proprietary form of capitalism.
Let’s all agree to survive
Julian Cribb's list of 10 catastrophic risks ranged from forest loss to misinformation.
The impact of colonisation: A couple of not so minor points
How anyone can think British colonisation "has had no lasting negative effects." is beyond me.
The Trump way?
Labor seems to have abolished roots, i.e. the low paid workers for the more lucrative middle class.
If only First Nations had guns
Some time ago, author Jarred Diamond wrote a book about why colonialism worked. The books title is "Guns, Germs and Steel".
Foul and repeat, foul and repeat
For we old Laborites, the Albanese government embrace of the Zionist agenda in all its multivarious forms is a treachery.
Public servants are there to support the community
In the end, I would hope that public servants are there to support the community, or public or society rather than the state. Following “the state” just allows people to say “ I was just following orders”, don’t you think?
The third possibility
At last, someone has mentioned the unmentionable - the third possibility. I have been astonished and irritated that, till now, nobody else has dared to mention it, but now, finally, Paul Heywood-Smith has put his head above the parapet.
Support for Sarah Schwartz
I thank the Jewish Council of Australia and Pearls & Irritations for giving readers some background to this sordid story.
Welfare: cheaper than perks given the uber-wealthy
If The Voice campaign taught me anything it's that Indigenous people aren't listened to.
Why are we so easily conned?
How depressing that Greg Latemore has thrown in the towel just before the election.
Wokism is about the essential an best human values, but they construe it as weakness, a mistake to be despised.
Join your local chapter of TA
It was going to join my local chapter of TA Trump Anonymous until I found PA Politics Anonymous they seem to be affiliated with AA Alcoholics Anonymous as they all have the same prayer.