Letters to the Editor
The Trump way?
Labor seems to have abolished roots, i.e. the low paid workers for the more lucrative middle class.
If only First Nations had guns
Some time ago, author Jarred Diamond wrote a book about why colonialism worked. The books title is "Guns, Germs and Steel".
Foul and repeat, foul and repeat
For we old Laborites, the Albanese government embrace of the Zionist agenda in all its multivarious forms is a treachery.
Public servants are there to support the community
In the end, I would hope that public servants are there to support the community, or public or society rather than the state. Following “the state” just allows people to say “ I was just following orders”, don’t you think?
The third possibility
At last, someone has mentioned the unmentionable - the third possibility. I have been astonished and irritated that, till now, nobody else has dared to mention it, but now, finally, Paul Heywood-Smith has put his head above the parapet.
Support for Sarah Schwartz
I thank the Jewish Council of Australia and Pearls & Irritations for giving readers some background to this sordid story.
Welfare: cheaper than perks given the uber-wealthy
If The Voice campaign taught me anything it's that Indigenous people aren't listened to.
Why are we so easily conned?
How depressing that Greg Latemore has thrown in the towel just before the election.
Wokism is about the essential an best human values, but they construe it as weakness, a mistake to be despised.
Join your local chapter of TA
It was going to join my local chapter of TA Trump Anonymous until I found PA Politics Anonymous they seem to be affiliated with AA Alcoholics Anonymous as they all have the same prayer.
The Hollow man
Thank you Peter Henning for your superb article (The Hollow man seeks to Lower the Temperature 24 Jan).
Refaat, the death toll may be even higher
The Lancet, one of the worlds most eminent medical journals calculated the death toll in Gaza has been underestimated by 20%, and more likely to be 64,000
The Christian right in Australia
Christians may no longer be in the majority in Australia, but the Christian Right has - as Ms Hamilton documents - infiltrated our political system.
Future generations need a flourishing ecosystem
Tipping points will change our environment irrevocably; climate extremes will become the norm. Life will no longer be about ‘standards of living’; it will be a battle to survive.
how stupid is America’s ruling class?
Trump's election has made the role of the ruling class even more obvious but there is the danger that we may see that as a Trump abberation rather than a feature of western democracy.
Say NO to “mutual obligation” – in any guise
That unemployed people are burdened with "mutual obligation" 'work' is an abomination. To suggest that volunteering be part of that coercive package is an oxymoron that adds insult to injury.
Jews are not responsible for the war in Gaza
Conflating the antisemitism in Australia with the war in Gaza isn't simply political comment, it gaslights the lived experience of Jews in Australia and discounts the seriousness of what is occurring in Australia.
David Lockwood is making assumptions re attacks
All the anti- semitic attacks must be condemned and certainly don't help the Palestinian cause. Not completely out of the question is that some may have been done by zionists or their supporters, hoping that Palestinian supporters will be blamed.
The Genocide will Continue if Morale Improves
Alison Broinowski's prediction is a statement of the inevitable rather than a possible future scenario.
It’s always the Palestinians’ fault… Not!
I've always respected Jack Waterford's writing but this ... "the war on Gaza ... was consciously started by Hamas, which ... has long been provoking Israel, …" brought me up short.
We need to look in the mirror
We should remember people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Balanced coverage of hostage release
We celebrate the release of hostages, be they Israeli or Palestinian. But watch the MSM to see if they give the same granular coverage to both.
Into the neoliberal darkness
We are seeing the dying days of the USAmerican empire. But don't blame Trump... or those who voted for him. They are the natural end-point of neoliberalism.
Gaslighting Australian Jews
What right does the writer have to make any claims about Jewish identity with the Israeli state in part, or whole?
History as a starting point
Kari McKern's contribution is the latest in a long line of excellent contributions to P&I advocating for a sensible and promising way forward for the world society.
It's important to be optimistic. Talks are ongoing in Oslo on a 2 state solution. The first trucks with food and medical aid are already rolling into Gaza. The ceasefire is a start, and a good start. But there is much to be done
The One Day of the Year
The politics of division only undermines social cohesion. Its time to change the date so we can all celebrate together and give thanks for this great country.
Stop the talking. Start the action.
If we want change re AUKUS, we have to be prepared to put in a similarly long, slow, hard slog. We need to stop talking and "act" - now.
Not dead yet
You're right, we're a dying breed. We're proud, strong and committed to using re-used, recycled and repaired materials from landfill and second-hand building suppliers and - we're finding it harder and harder to find what we need to repair and maintain our beloved homes.
Sanctity of Sovereignty – Ukraine
All of humankind has a vested interest in no invasion succeeding.