Letters to the Editor
Send in the clowns
I fail to understand how Trump can take up so much space in Australian/world news.
Two articles I’d like to read and share widely
"Regional tensions with China" – What exactly are these?
Cocos Islands
Darwin has already been built three times and its buildings need to be able to withstand a category 4 cyclone.
American obsessions
We are a sovereign state and have an ABC chartered right to receive impartial news from our own domain.
Good retrospective
It's helpful to be reminded of the serious failure that arose from our Government's willing compliance with the US claim that the invasion was a "necessary unilateral action".
Time to support the ABC
ABC 24 and ABC Radio have good news services and are fostering a number of up and coming new faces who speak with integrity.
Biden’s Gaza vs New Orleans
By all means the FBI should investigate the New Orleans mass murder, but in a fairer world they would also investigate Joe Biden and his key advisers for their role in the mass murder in Gaza.
Our immigration commentary is governed by White Man’s Media
In the case of Australia, the great multicultural nation, the views of WMM are reflected in the hierarchy of our immigration, refugee and foreign policy.
Murdoch Royal Commission – when?
If only this great piece of journalism by John Menadue could make its way into the homes and eyes of all Australians.
The ABC is already doing the Devil’s Work
Kim Williams' speech to the Press Club was — surely — an audition as a writer for the next "Blackadder" series?
Plibersek could demonstrate political integrity
Kampmark believes Plibersek has been put into a "cage of constraint" where her options are "to become a non-entity or a jester".
Was Einstein wrong?
Einstein believed the foundations of faith (Jewish and Christian) were built on myth rather than truth.
Let’s get this right: democracy is a diversion
Democracy has replaced religion as the opiate of the masses.
Communication, not conflict…
I would like to convey my appreciation to Refaat Ibrahim for the sentiments expressed in the biography attached to his piece published on Christmas morning.
The Earth is sick, humanity is the disease
Our Earth is sick; humanity is the disease. Tipping points will be the antibodies that attack and defeat that disease.
Einstein used the concept of god objectively
Einstein used god in a culture-speak manner. He never referred to a higher being as His God.
ABC coverage of the Gaza war
Richard Bean’s article summarises well the bias in the ABC’s presentation of the continuing genocide in Gaza and ethnic cleansing on the West Bank and Golan Heights
Spare us this
Yes, Labor is "mired in mediocrity". But God help us if Kelty's ramble is meant to indicate a fix. "We'll all be rooned," as Hanrahan said.
Converting us to a better world
Is there anything in our troubled world that hasn't got some form of greed at its base?
Opportunity cost of AUKUS
AUKUS will probably double in cost as all such projects do.
Trashing of reputation of institutions
Anyone with the most basic knowledge of data collection must have some Idea of how one-sided the conflict is.
More ‘whys’ for Angela
Israel's occupation of much Palestinian territory is illegal under international law. Just look at the many resolutions passed by the UN that have simply been ignored by Israel.
Climate change: who really cares ?
The sale of EVs are at best stagnant, no tax advantage there and the HEV myth determines the price of EVs, while we vote unthinkingly for the capitalist climate deniers.
No man is an Island
Sixteenth century poet John Donne, in ‘No Man is an Island’, wrote: “If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less”.
Norfolk Island’s problems are its alone
While there are lingering "colonial" problems on both the Cocos (Keeling) Islands and Christmas Island, please do not put these two into the same basket as the fractious Norfolk Island situation!
Racism, Australian style
Anti-racism laws need to apply to politicians first and foremost.
Facts about AUKUS
I would also recommend the recent book by Andrew Fowler entitled NUKED.
Top questions Angela
The legacy media need to put the puppet-master, the US, under the microscope.