Letters to the Editor
Pre-industrial levels are not ‘safe levels’
David Spratt and Ian Dunlop proceed on the basis of 'Drawing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels back to safe, near pre-industrial levels'.
Who does Australia “need”, not deserve, as our PM?
Jack Waterford sums up Albanese's failings comprehensively. Dutton is his own walking advertisement of awfulness.
Be bold, Michael Keating
Find the radical self I know is inside you Michael, and help guide us to a better future.
Australia does not need a Trump Government
The last thing we need in this country is a government anything like that of a Trump Government.
Refugee status determination – the key issue
Having worked closely with Asylum Seekers for 14 years I must highlight a key problem with the recent Migration Bill changes - the uncritical assumption that the refugee status determination process is professional and fair and sensitive to changing realities.
We miss the obvious on productivity growth
Our continuing belief that the comparatively small percentage of the world's population that is constituted by the West is the only relevant point for comparison can often obscure the obvious.
Move over, career politicians
In a setting reminiscent of Monopoly, but dealing in real lives and real money, Binoy Kampmark describes our politicians as insecure little boys paying for the empty promise of useless AUKUS baubles in order to maintain the "friendship" of a narcissist incapable of unfailing loyalty to another.
Winners and losers
One of the benefits of a desegrated school system is that students can experience our diversity in a supportive environment.
Stephen Downes replies: “ABC delighted to be trivial”
I’m delighted that Sally Jackson, communications ‘lead’ at ABC NEWS, has corroborated indirectly my revealing (ABC News’ death rattle) the trashy triviality of the revamped broadcaster’s online front page.
Correcting a common mistake
There is a common misconception that Anthony Albanese established the Parliamentary Friendship group with Palestine. This is not true. He was one of the founding committee members.
Redesigned ABC website overtakes News.com.au as top online news publisher
Since the redesigned ABC NEWS website launched in August it overtook news.com.au to be the top Australian online news publisher in September and again in October.
ABC Blues?
I hope the level of ABC journalism wont degrade to News.com.au levels, since they are making the website look a whole lot like News.com.au.
Murdoch will not win
Alternative media are thriving with quality rising to the top. It's where quality journalism and expert commentators go when Murdoch thinks he has killed them off.
Government must commit to renewable energy shift
PM Albanese is refusing to commit to a strong emissions reduction target before our federal election in February or May.
Let’s indeed “play peace”
I hope many P&I readers will pay close attention to this excellent article. It has a lightness of "touch" but its truths couldn't be more "weighty".
Contempt of the LNP and Dutton in particular
I can only refer to the LNP and Dutton in particular as the contemptible scum of Australia. They have no shame what so ever and are proud to place politics above human life and dignity.
The US political system: An American plutocracy
America has been a plutocracy for some time.
“Local” ABC radio encourages law and orders fear
ABC TV news has it's failings but the push to "localise" radio is leading to local law and order panic
Israel bashing almost every week
I am fed up to the back teeth seeing relentless journalism about what Israel is doing to its neighbours.
Even the Guardian bows to the Zionist Lobby
With deep regret and very considerable disgust, I need to point out that The Guardian Australia - despite its protestations of 'Independence' - peddles the very same disinformation as permeates the Zionist Lobby propaganda.
Our Malthusian demise is only deferred
Julian Cribb puts our global environmental crisis into an eloquent historical perspective. His portrait of humanity’s evolution over thousands of years captures the short-sighted, selfish culture which now dominates our world.
Carbon dumping should be called out
How about we stop digging the fossil fuels up in the first place?
Keating’s Banana Republic
Contrary to the comment piece by Neil O’Keefe, Treasurer Paul Keating’s 1986 Banana Republic comment in a radio interview with John Laws was not a calming statement designed to avoid panic in the markets.
Cribb article deserves a Walkley award
I have long admired Julian Cribb's writing but this article deserves an award - a Walkley award no less.
For whom the bell tolls
Our age needs a new John Donne to remind us no man, or woman, is an island.
Miller’s latest
The US’ Miller now says the US voted against a ceasefire because there are seven US citizens among the hostages, and the ceasefire wouldn’t cover hostages.
Silence is complicity — Einstein
P&I offers a beacon of truth, alongside other independent online journalists of principle, that informs and updates those who refuse to look away in the face of an illegal occupation, apartheid, genocide, ethnic cleansing and war crimes being committed by Israel in Gaza, the West Bank and now Lebanon.
Naive and inaccurate
Andrew Podger’s article ‘Fairness and balance’ in P&I reporting on the Middle East (November 19) is naive and inaccurate.
ABC Lies By Omission
3 Days ago the ABC reported that a Russian missile had struck a civilian building killing 10 people.
Middle class ism the answer to our problem
The ultra wealthy look down upon the political class and despise anyone who believes they are entitled to a pay rise and wants a fair days pay for a fair days work.