A new, secular flag for Israel?

Margaret Callinan, Hawthorn, Dec 20, 2024

One step to eliminating the problem of equating anti-Zionism with antisemitism and Judaism with Zionism would be to change the Israeli flag. Give up the religious symbol it bears and choose something without religious reference.

I have no doubt that there are anti-Semites about. But equally, given the general ignorance and/or disinterest in all things political in Australia, I have no doubt that there are people who know nothing of Israel’s 20th C history in Palestine. Thanks to sparse and selective reporting in the long term and sometimes even now, all such people know is Israel = persecution and genocide. They know nothing of the long and noble history of the Jewish faith and its followers whose religious symbol has been hijacked by a secular and murderous regime.

Jewish people tormented by Israel’s genocide, as well as campaigning for peace and saying loudly “Not in my name”, as they bravely do, could consider campaigning for a new flag as well. Religious Jewish people who are otherwise apolitical might also see a new Israeli flag without religious overtones as an objective worth working towards.

Worth a thought?

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