ACU and Post-Modern Epistemology
Epistemology is the foundation of the scientific method, of all human progress, of the other disciplines defended by the author here, and we all exercise an epistemology, whether or not it is trained and philosophical. Epistemology is central to all western philosophy since Plato. A better education in this is essential in educating students in critical thinking and problem solving skills, and would also be an antidote against our post-truth, conspiracy theory vulnerable times, and against the undermining of genuine expertise. The Arts & Humanities have never been as strong in Australia as they have traditionally been in most other western education systems, and were already weakened by Dawkins. A public university such as ACU, which receives public money, has a responsibility to teach students outside of its own faith system as well as representing that historical tradition in our society. Post-modernism, like Modernism, was not invented by academics: it represents changing perceptions of and responses to our world occurring in that world across many areas of creativity and critical reflection and as reactions to historical turns. A more convincing response to it would be to use its own methods to question it, but we are already moving beyond it.