ALP cooperating with US intelligence conceivable

Margaret pestorius, Brisbane, Jan 12, 2024

It is jolting to read from this excellent journal over and over of your “surprise”. The apparatchiks of the ALP repeatedly silenced those of us taking the risks of grassroots action pointing to the role of the US.

Which of you criticised and made known Beazley’s role as an arms dealer and President of Lockheed Martin for example.

Remember, the ALP voted for the change in the Pine Gap Legislation following the win by the PINE GAP 4 in the NT courts. Only Scott Ludlam, and the other Greens voted against this legislation warning that the USA was in control of Pine Gap. The ALP has voted with the Liberal Party in government/ out of government repeatedly on matters of so called foreign affairs.

How can you be surprised at each of these subimperial moves. You have stood inside and alongside the ALP throughout Labor’s glorious slide to iniquity. You erase the grassroots over and over. We do not exist to you because we do not play your game even though we speak the truth. You have ridiculed and ignored us.

While we acted with integrity and took the risks, you were paid heartily. Please don’t erase us. You were warned.

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