As always, one law for the rich and one for the poor
We may have abolished the wonderful British tradition of transportation except for refugees or maybe we have run out of places to transport the poor. The legal system is very much biased towards those with the money to pay.
How often do our politicians and their staffers end up in goal ? I am aware of cases where the poor for a similar charge have been convicted and completed their sentence before a politician has been convicted or sentenced (Then I think they are only fined a sum which they could afford).
How many royal commissions into deaths in custody do we need to see that the poorest of our poor are disproportionately incarcerated? There are no votes in prevention and rehabilitation, but there are votes in rhetoric and incarceration even when we in SA “Rack them pack them and stack them“. In the US private jails are a very profitable business; will that become our new place of deportation?