Captured by the fossil fuel industry

Chris Young, Surrey Hills, Oct 20, 2023

Peter Sainsbury’s research this week offers another valuable insight into the forces shaping how our climate is likely to evolve over coming decades. The Exxon-Mobil projections for 2050 demonstrate that this major fossil fuel producer sees sustained, substantial business growth between now and 2050. Climate Tracker confirm that the other major fossil fuel producers, and the countries – including Australia – that host their activities, are planning for that growth too.

These revelations show that the fossil fuel industry is now completely confident that it is leading its host countries’ governments by the nose. They think they can continue to produce fossil fuels for the rest of time. Sadly, for the rest of us, the ‘rest of time’ looks increasingly to be measurable in decades rather than millennia. Those who govern us have fallen captive to those who are bringing about our demise.
We need a complete change of mindset in Canberra, and other global capitals, to break free from this fate. The integrity of government in Australia has for too long been compromised through the malign influences of political donations and lobbying. Our first, urgent step might be to place substantial, comprehensive restrictions on both of these corrupting activities.

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