Comfortable middle classes must do more

Fiona Colin, Melbourne, Oct 11, 2024

Do the dire predictions of a heated world outlined by David Spratt make any impact on governments?

For them it is a cynical choice, as Starmer exemplified, to ignore climate change in favour of their own popularity. No leader of a wealthy nation has the fortitude to do their job, which they constantly tell us is their first priority: keeping us safe. This hasn’t hugely impacted (yet) on their ‘popularity’. In fact, the now-ascendant climate change denying elements of Dutton’s Coalition could be gaining momentum. Such is the power of the far-right, conspiracy-laden, Trumpist ideology in which climate concerns are an affront to masculinity and the rights of the individual to do whatever they like.

For those struggling to pay the bills, climate change understandably does not register as a priority concern. But as Spratt points out, they are the ones on the front line when it comes to food and housing insecurity or dependence on outdoor or un-airconditioned workplaces.

That leaves the comfortable middle classes to keep pushing governments to do more.

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