Endless war as foreign policy
The reality is that USA is after weapons production and sales $, and weapons are only needed when wars are created.
It’s not about winning war as much as continued forever war..in Foreign Policy places…far from USA, and resources are also sourced.
Just study the war in Vietnam, it exposes how much the war was created and we lost, but it was a “Foreign Policy” war venue for weapons manufacturers and shareholder profits.
France had lost its colonial control of Vietnam and wanted it back, USA was after a new war zone. The reds under the bed fear advertising flooded our media and so our government went along with USA plans, millions died but USA war jobs kept USA economy growing.
How much of USA economy and jobs rely on forever war?
Every USA war looks to be convenient to their privatised economic growth, which has endless new government money creation available to feed it. It’s time all military recruits know the reality of who benefits from their blood.
Kissinger was shockingly accurate when he said military are just dumb and stupid to be used as pawns for foreign policy. USA capitalism needs constant war.