Envoys or no envoys
Magaret Reynold’s expose of Social Cohesion is interesting and, for most Australians, something that needs to be discussed. But true to form, most whitefellas don’t want to talk about something that is controversial and an impediment to their way of life.
Envoys for some and not others, is just another spineless cop-out by a Government that is throwing buckets of water on a bonfire! As Margaret says we need Political Leadership not cowardice. However, the sorry state of Australians politics rules this our at all levels.
The referendum with its built-in designed to fail legislation, it was a top-down neoliberal concept, was never going hold water in an atmosphere of hatred, bitterness and total mistrust. And The Federal Government new this which was backed up when they voted down the UNDRIP legislation.
Furthermore, if you want to tackle racism you need to also address colonialism, imperialism and fascism. Tackling anyone in isolation is futile.
While I support ethnic communities becoming politically active, social cohesion can be achieved with greater ease by combining the resources of all communities.