Excellent essay by Joe Lauria

Tony Kevin, Canberra Australia, Jan 8, 2025

Joe Laurie’s essay is a model of scrupulous accuracy . It is an epitaph to the cruelty and mendacity of US policies on Ukraine under three past presidents Obama, Trump and Biden that have led to over a million dead Ukrainian soldiers and many dead civilians , broken families, and a broken country.

The only solution — Lauria prudently does not go here, though he accepts the facts that Russia has won the war — is for the incoming Trump administration to work sincerely with Putin without playing more Cold War games to bring about real and permanent peace in a smaller non-belligerent neutral Ukraine that respects the human rights of all its citizens.

There are no other solutions now. For Trump to try to continue to play Cold War games with and in Ukraine would be cruel folly. Australian diplomacy should move to this position.

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