Fly on the wall at the Dreyfus-Netanyahu meet-up

Geoff Taylor, Perth, Jan 9, 2025

Greg Barns and fellow P&I contributors raise serious questions about this trip. I am trying to imagine what is being said.

“Look Bibi, socially cohering to you is getting very difficult for us in Oz. As the point man for the IRBO in Oz, I’d have to arrest you if you visited. I did manage to get one of your men, who is also an Aussie, off a charge of being an alleged accessory to a war crimes case over killing 50000 people, which was privately brought in Oz, although I did allow another Aussie to go to jail for reporting war crimes by our own troops.

“Anthony’s namesake at the UN, Francesca, is giving us absolute hell. How am I to continue to not say anything about you implementing the book of Joshua in Palestine?

I know we’ve got an ex-PM who is still comfortable with jointly attacking a foreign country leading to 500,000 deaths over imaginary weapons, so your Lavender and its high target to non-freedom fighter ratio, which has racked up the deaths of tens of thousands of women and children, might seem small beer, but, mate, you’ve got to stop, regardless of what our Zionists at home say.”

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