July 26

Rob Parnell, Narrabundah, Aug 2, 2024

You wrote your article on July 26, a powerful date in the fight against US imperialism that should be commemorated by all citizens concerned about the fate of the world. In 1953 on that date Fidel Castro and his fellow fighters attacked the Moncada Barracks in Santiago de Cuba, thus commencing the war against the murderous US backed dictatorship of Fulgencia Batista in Cuba.

So my regular small acts of sabotage are to study and understand the Cuban revolution of 1 January 1959 and talk about the many achievements, domestic and international, of that revolution and the many ways the US have tried to squash that revolution.

Another date that I mark each year is 6 October. In 1976, US funded terrorists blew up Cubano Flight 455 that contained every member of the Cuban national fencing team. A most poignant anniversary in an Olympic year.

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