Labor swallows Coalition defence and foreign policy holus-bolus

Graeme McLeay, Torrens Park SA 5062, Aug 16, 2024

Ex Prime Minister Keating joins the growing list of informed commentators who is worried by, or opposes the AUKUS agreement. Having rejoiced at the departure of the Morrison government, I was shocked to see Labor swallow Coalition defence and foreign policy holus-bolus.

The idea that a Labor government would take us down the path of nuclear powered submarines costing an estimated $368 billion and tie us in with the United States’ military-industrial machine seemed unthinkable but here we are!

Richard Marles is like a school cadet, flattered by the big boys at the Pentagon and eager to please. The fact that this policy was presented as a fait accompli, without putting it before the Australian people first should anger all Australians.

It is a costly own goal for the Labor government and we will all be the poorer for it.

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