MH370 – ex airline pilot agrees with your story

Paul Simpson, Brocklesby NSW, Mar 15, 2024

I agree with your theory about this matter. If I was to speculate about the reason this theory has been mostly ignored by most media and politicians, I suggest that airlines and politicians would like to convince the flying public that such deliberate action by a pilot is impossible, however ever since 9/11 flight deck doors have been made impregnable and locked, except for crew leaving the flight deck for breaks (including using toilet), passenger or crew liaison, or entry to the flight deck by cabin crew providing food and drink or visiting the pilots to discuss operational matters (such as passenger medical issues for example).

Once you have a secure door there is one glaring problem: when a pilot leaves the flight deck the other pilot can lock the door. I know of pilots who’ve suicided- it’s not too hard to imagine one with some sort of grudge to lock the door and crash the aircraft. There are many thousands of pilots worldwide. Is there one of them out there who might act in this manner?

I say there was in this case, and similar things will happen again one day.

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