Move over, career politicians
In a setting reminiscent of Monopoly, but dealing in real lives and real money, Binoy Kampmark describes our politicians as insecure little boys paying for the empty promise of useless AUKUS baubles in order to maintain the “friendship” of a narcissist incapable of unfailing loyalty to another.
It’s time to get rid of career politicians, feathering their nests now while also having an eye to greater future prizes. The forthcoming election gives us the chance to elect even more community independent MPs. Those we now have show what ordinary people with a wealth of experience in the real world can bring to Parliament.
Current community independents have been instrumental in some welcome changes to both legislation and Parliament itself. What they have also tried to do, only to be thwarted by both Labor and the No Policies opposition, is indicative of what could be achieved by more of them holding the balance of power in the next government. They’ve shown themselves to be reasonable and pragmatic, thus a better alternative to the Greens’ willingness to sacrifice the good on the altar of the unattainable perfect.
Hopefully, when Australians next vote we’ll show we deserve good government. And get it.