Our global climate future may depend on China
‘Aggressive activist and journalist’ Patrick Mazza expresses his view that ‘China holds the world’s climate future in its hands’. China is the world’s biggest economy and emitter of greenhouse gases, and so is factually responsible for keeping the world close to the Paris agreed 1.5 or 2.0 degrees C limit. They continue developing coal but are now the world’s fastest in growing solar and wind. Mazza concludes optimistically that ‘China has its own fate in its hands as well as the rest of the world. We hope it will take the needed action that will give us a fighting chance to hold at 1.6 degrees C, or near it.’
My late husband Professor Stewart Fraser was born in China of Scottish parents. When the Japanese invaded China, the young Fraser family managed a daring escape and wound up in Australia. Of course, China became one of Stewart’s specialties and I consider he would agree with Mazza that China should urgently help solve the global climate crisis.
Australia may be especially able to help welcome China in this new role. It may ensure a liveable future for us all and also even assist in bringing world peace.