Plibersek could demonstrate political integrity
Binoy Kampmark characterises the “Environment Minister” role as being “the fossil fuel industry’s closeted defender in government”, talking environmental conservation while supporting its destruction.
While her environmental reputation hung in shreds after her willingness to grant licences to new and expanding fossil fuel projects, Minister Plibersek seems to have worked in good faith with Sarah Hanson-Young and David Pocock to negotiate amendments to pass the Nature Positive Bill, before the PM intervened.
The PM also pre-empted his minister in Tasmania when he gave his whole-hearted support to the salmon farming industry, which threatens the imminent extinction of the Maugean Skate, and has destroyed vast areas of underwater habitat.
Kampmark believes Plibersek has been put into a “cage of constraint” where her options are “to become a non-entity or a jester”. But there is, perhaps, a third way. If Plibersek truly believes in the over-riding importance of protecting the environment she could demonstrate political integrity by standing up publicly for those beliefs. She could put the cause she has been entrusted with ahead of personal ambition or job security.
In the meantime, she stands for re-election with her environmental credibility under a cloud of ever-growing fossil fuel emissions – an environmental jester.